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Wow... Its tastes like Heaven... The girl closed her eyes after tasting the food... Can we meet the chef?  She asks the waiter.

Yes... Mam. Just a second...

He looks like heaven... She touches her chest with her hand...

Hai... Miss... You call me?

Yes... Sir... This tastes good and you too...

Thank you, miss... The boy gives her a famous eye smile... You are sweet to.

Can I know your name?

Park Jimin... He smiles again and went back to his work.

Boss... Someone else wants to see you... An employee informs him.

Ok... Just take care of this dish... Which table?

No 10...

No.. 10... Jimin walks to number 10 with his famous eye smile...my God... His smile vanished, these devils... He stays still...

Jimina... Lisa and Jungkook shout once they saw their best friend.

Run... Jimin turns around and runs...

Catch him...both brother and sister run behind him...

Jimina... Stop there... Jungkook shout.

No... Never... Jimin shouted while running...

It's swimming.... before Lisa can complete her word Jimin fell into the pool... She and Jungkook fell one after one...


Do both of you wants to kill me? Jimin glared at them... They were sitting under the sun to dry...

Why do you run? Jungkook asks.

Who will stand still when you see ghosts in front of you?

Jimina...  Lisa calls him.


We want your help...

No... Last time I lost my brand new car because of you... Before I lost my million-dollar watch... How many times have I lost my cash when I was trying to help both of you... Not anymore...

Are you sure? Jungkook looked at him.

Yes... Jimin said sternly.

Ok... Then we will make a call to Mr. Park Hunbin... And hello Mr. Park... Your one and only son have already dropped his studies and now he is running a cafe...

Enough... I will help you, idiots... What's this time?

Good boy... Listen Appa fix her marriage... And we want to do something for stopping this marriage.

I will help you... Not for her but for that boy who comes to marry you... Jimin said and he got kicked from her.

Then I want to start a casino... Where we get unlimited drinks, dance,  music, and sex... Jungkook rise hand to the sky... But both Jimin and Lisa look away... Never going to happen...

So what should I do with this? Jimin looks at them.

We have an idea... Jungkook looked at him... I mean we want to tell a lie to our Appa... That she already has a relationship.

That's good... Then go on... Jimin gives thumbs up.

But she needs a boyfriend for that I mean a fake one.  And it's you...

Me? As her boyfriend... No... Never... Don't expect me... He stands up...

Hello... Uncle Park your one and only son... Lisa took her phone.

I will do it... He slaps himself...


Are you sure? Jimin looks at them.

Yes... Evidence is important. Come to Jungkook and walks to the hotel room with the camera.

Lisa... I don't think it's right... You should speak with your father.

He never going to listen to us... Please Jimin for me... Ok... I am a girl who supports my dreams... She covered her face. Of course a fake cry...

No. No... I will help you. Don't be sad. Come both of them walk to lift...

But little did they notice two eyes are following them with lot of doubts and burning heart.

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now