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Make him laugh... The first step is to seduce your wife..  where are honey? I am coming to you...  Jungkook make his tie perfect and walks to his wife's cabin...

Baby ... 


ufff... Jungkook stand still at the door. Tae was shouting through the phone. Son Jungkook better go back... He walks back to his cabin.

Love note .... The second step...  Jungkook took a sticky note.

You are my new favorite feeling, Love you.

Give this to boss... Jungkook handover a file to the office boy. He hide that paper in that. And the office boy got fired for bad behaviour towards the boss. Before going out he curse Jungkook a lot.

Take him for a dinner.... Step three...  He ask Tae for having dinner from outside. Tae agrees and take him to Jimin's shop and talks with Hobi for a long time.

Jungkook touch Jimin's head ... A bandied was stick their. Did he hit you?

Yes... With a hockey stick. Nothing i just ask number from a girl. Jimin sighed...

Which girl?

Please... Leave me alone. i need a peaceful life.

Jungkook again search on Google.... 

What are you trying to do Jungkook? Tae asks while coming back to home.


Nothing... I feels so... You trying to get something. I don't know but ...

Tae... Tae... I need you... I mean sexually. Sorry but i can't control myself around you... I feel like ... I feel like force you... Sorry but... I...


Where is Jungkook? Jeon ask to Taehyung.

I don't know... He walks into the home.

Where is he gone? Mr.kim stare at night.

After an hour Jungkook reached at home in another taxi. Where were you?  Jeon frown at him.

Without telling anything Jungkook walks to his room. Door was locked from inside. Tae... I am sorry... I just openely said what I need. I am sorry... Please open the door... Talk to me... Tae .... Please..

Lisa and Jeon walks near him... What happened?

Nothing.... Tae... Baby... I am sorry.

Tae opens the door but  with a travel bag...

Tae... Where are you going? I am sorry... I never do something like this ever... I felt so i just said openly... Please don't go...

Jungkook... I am not going anywhere it's you  dress and luggage. Dad your son said he wants rape me...

No... Jungkook shout...

How dare you? He is just old as your sister... Jeon glare at his son. Sorry Tae ... Jeon looks down.

It's ok...  Tae goes back and close his room.

Lis .... Can I use ...

I need privacy. She immediately went back to her room.

Dad ... Can I?

Who are you? Mr.jeon looks at him .

Guest room.... Here iam coming. Jungkook took his luggage and walks to guest room.


Taehyung looks at his naked reflection. Slowly touch his parts...  So Mr . Husband you want me to force... A smirk appeard on his lips ... He wears a night dress which shows his body perfectly.

Jungkook was texting to Jimin for a way to console Taehyung...  By hearing a sound he looks at steps... Taehyung was coming down .

My goodness... She gulped.. what he is doing? Oh  my god...

Tae walks to kitchen... He walks slower than usual... Jungkook stare at him...  Why so hot?

What? Tae looks at him.

I mean so hot here .. this wind... Hot wind...

Yes... It's really hot here...  Tae unbutton one of his shirt buttons.

Tae... I can't control anymore... He pins the boy to wall... I love you...

Mr. Bunny c/of Mrs. BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now