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Jungkook, please...  Put me down...  Taehyung looks at others who are staring at them.

You can't walk properly baby...  I told you I am at your service...

Jungkook entered the conference hall with Taehyung... The people who are waiting for him look at each other...  Jin and his father were there too. Jin's father smiles at that cute view...  Someone is very caring for his wife...  He said to others.  The glares at Jungkook... 

Sorry for the late coming gentleman... The apologizes to others.

It's ok...  We can understand why...  Newlyweds...  Someone commented. Taehyung looks at Jungkook and he looks somewhere else. Let's start the meeting...  Taehyung becomes professional so fast.


Looking so happy with him...  Jin stands behind Taehyung.

Taehyung turns towards him...  Yes, I am. 

Wow... I am longing for my loss and you are happy with your husband...  Not good...

Am I not deserving to be loved? Taehyung straight look at his eyes.

No...  No...  You should cry...  You don't deserve any happiness Taehyung. 

Taehyung smirked at him...  You can't do anything Jin...  I never allow you to do anything... 

How do we feel when we lose our beloved? Jin asks.

The stares at him... 

Sorry for your lost Taehyung... Jim smiled.

Jooni...  The picks up his phone and calls his brother... Baby, where are you? Home! Ok...  Stay there... I am coming..  Don't make me kill you Seokjin... 

Boss...  Jungkook...  Someone screamed...  Taehyung lost his heartbeat...  He looks at Jin and rushes towards the staff. What happened?

Someone shot him... 

Taehyung runs toward his husband...  Kooki...  He screamed once he saw his husband in a  blood pool...  He sat with him...  Kooky...  Please open your eyes...  Jungkook...  He cried while hugging his body...  And Taehyung heard a light heartbeat...  Call the ambulance...  He shouts to others.


Taehyung leans to the wall...  His eyes are red and breathe heavily...  Joon hugs his brother...  Lisa was sitting before the operating theatre...  Jimin also sat beside her...  Hours passed one by one...  Jin and his shooter got arrested by the police. After four hours of long trying... Doctors saved him. They inform his family...

Can I see him? Taehyung asks eagerly...

Yes, you can...  Taehyung was about to go to Jungkook but Mr. Jeon holds his hand...  Taehyung...  You are rich...  You have security...  You are safe...  You are powerful...  But I only have a son and a daughter... My biggest wealth...  I don't have anything else than them... I beg you please give my Kooki back... Please stay away from my children and family.

Appa...  Lisa calls him...

Please Taehyung...  Go away from him...  My son and his life are important to me.

Taehyung stared at the old man and nodded his head...  I am going... He hugs his brother and walks out of the hospital room.

The...  Jimin ran behind him...  Stop...  Don't listen to him...  Stay here...  Jungkook wants you...  he is going to ask you about it once he wakes up...  Stay here.

He is right Jimin...  I am not good for them... I do not deserve to be happy...  It's a curse I will lose my beloved.  My Appa and mom, Yoongi and now him... No...  We are cursed... Taehyung took some cash from his wallet. Buy a gift for your child...  Come Jooni...  They walk away...


Why? When did you become this much cruel? Jin's father glares at his son.

He kills my Yoongi and now Jungmin...

And he got a slap...  Yoongi committed suicide because of you...

No...  Don't blame me. He sent Yoongi to my home to spy on me...  And I sincerely love him.   That's why he kills him.

You misunderstood everything Jin...  Jungmin's father killed Tae's parents for wealth Yoongi killed himself because he was guilty of cheating... Taehyung didn't have any hand in that.

I won't believe that...  You are lying...  Jin screams...  He killed my Yoongi...  I know...  You are lying...  And he kills Jungmin too... 

Hyung...  Jin turn towards the sound...  Jungmin!....

He didn't kill me...  He asks me to out of this country...  And I fair my death in front of you...  I know you will take revenge on him... I am sorry...  He looks down.

You are all playing drama for saving him...  Jin shouts at them...  He sat on the floor and cried loudly...


Jungkook opens his eyes after three weeks...  He looks at everyone.

Baby.  Kooki...  Are you ok? Jeon sat beside him.

Who..  Who are you? Jungkook asks his father.

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