"Miles Away"

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Thank you so much for reading my book! I am truly grateful that I have y'all. You guys make me so happy! Thanks for voting, commenting, adding to your reading list/library and all that other good stuff ^_^

BTW guys, can you check out a really nice friend of mine? She writes even better than I do. She's really talented. I recommend you guys to check out her work/stories. Her Wattpad is
AND yes, I was inspired to write this by the song 'Miles Away' by Memphis May Fire ft. Kellin Quinn (From Sleeping With Sirens) This song hits me in the feels. Especially, when Kellin sang " For my heart, For their sake, be strong, be strong for me"


Chandler's P.O.V

Well..... this is like the millionth time that ive done this, but I guess I have to go to another state to shoot a movie, leaving my girlfriend, Y/N, behind.

I'm currently packing some clothes, along with some small objects that Y/N has giving me.

I honestly don't like leaving Y/N behind. It sucks for the both of us. It HURTS for the both of us.

Anyways, speaking of Y/N , she's coming with my family and I to drop me off at the Airport. She always comes with us, before I leave. I don't mind. It actually makes me happy. She makes me happy. That's why I don't like leaving her.

*Y/N's arrival at Chandler's house*

"Hello, my darling!" I said to Y/N.

"Hello, handsome" Y/N said, as she hugged me.

I hugged her back, tightly in my arms, not wanting to let her go. Even though, we both knew we had to let go at some point.

"Have you finished packing?" She asked.

"No..." I sighed.

"Need some help?" She asked, politely.

"Yes, Please!" I said.

Y/N giggled and began to help me fold my clothes.

*A few moments of silence*

"Baby?" I said to Y/N, breaking the silence.

"Yes?" She responded, as she finished packing the last set of my clothes.

"I'll miss you" I said

" I know you will......... You packed almost all of the stuff that I have given you." She said, as she began to laugh, causing me to laugh as well.

After a minute of laughter, followed another moment of silence.

"I'll miss you too, though" She responded to what I said earlier.

"You better" I joked.

"I will" She giggled.

I walked to the other side of my bed, where Y/N was.

I then lifted Y/N's chin, looked into her beautiful eyes, and kissed her passionately. She kissed back.

"CHANDLER! Y/N! IT'S TIME TO GO!" My mom yelled from the bottom floor, causing Y/N and I to pull away.

"I guess we have to go" I said with a hint of sadness .
"Yeah...." Y/N said.
I grabbed my suitcase.
"Ready?" I asked Y/N.
"No...." She responded.
I sighed. I walked up to her and kissed her.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you,too" Y/N said.
"Let's go" I said, and we began to walk down stairs.
"We're ready!" I said to my parents.
"We should get going then." They said.
My parents, brother, Y/N and I walked to the car. I put my suitcase in the trunk, and sat down.

The trip to the airport was filled with loads of conversation between my family and I. Y/N barely talked. I could tell she was sad. She was cuddled up in my arms during the whole trip. She was so tensed. I hate leaving her behind. Every time I leave, she's not as strong as she usually is. She will cry all the time, not wanting to leave the house, according to her mother.
"Are you okay?" I whispered into Y/N's ear.
She didn't respond. She knows that I know the answer. We go through this every single time I leave. I don't blame her for being sad. I just really wanna see her happy.
As we got closer to the airport, I can feel her grip tighten around my waist.
"We're here" My mother said, as we found a parking space.
Y/N let go of me, as we got out of the car.
My dad and mom got my luggage, then we began to walk towards the airport.
We all talked , including Y/N this time, as we walked to the inside of the airport.
Once we got to the inside of the airport, some fans recognized me, making security guards stand in front of me.
One of the security guards lead us to a private areas , where we can all say our goodbyes.
This is the part that Y/N and I hated the most.
My parents were the first to say goodbye.
They told me that they will go see me in a few days, to see how I am doing and such.
Then, my brother.
He just called me an idiot. But that he will miss me.
Once it was Y/N's turn, my parents and my brother left the room to give us privacy.
Y/N and I looked each other directly in the eyes.
"I hate leaving you...... Do you know that?" I said.
Y/N nodded.
"Don't worry about. I know you'll be back" Y/N said with a smile, more like she was forcing a smile.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Really baby? I will be just fine" She said, as she looks away, so I don't have to see her cry.
I hurts me seeing her like this.
I turned her chin towards me, making her look straight into my eyes.
"If you miss me, I am just a phone call away. Please be strong , be strong for me. I need you to show me how to change the inside of me. For my heart, for their sake. Be strong, be strong for me" I sang/quoted her favorite song.
She smiled, like actually a real smile.
"I love you" She said with a smile.
"I love you,too" I said back.
I wrapped my arms around her waist, as she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck.
We looked each other straight in the eyes, and then I leaned in for a kiss.
Our lips moved in sync. I honestly love her kisses.
*knock on the door*
"Chandler? It's time for you to go!" I heard my mom say from the doorway, causing Y/N and I to pull away from our kiss.
"Yes,mother. Just one more minute" I said.
She nodded and closed the door.
I turned back to face Y/N and hugged her.
I hugged her really tight, but not too tight. Tight enough for her to still breathe.
She immediately hugged me back.
I am going to miss her so much.
"Well.... I guess I should go." I said as we pulled back.
She nodded.
"Bye babe. I'll miss you. And I love you so much." I said and kissed her one more time, before we exited that private area.
"I'm ready" I said, as I exited out the room.
My parents walked me to my entrance's flight, leaving Y/N and my brother behind, since Only parents were allowed to drop children off.
Before I left for my flight, I turned around to see Y/N , I waved at her and blew her a kiss. She smiled, making me smile as well.
Before my flight took off, my phone went off.
It was a text from Y/N.
"Thanks for that kiss, babe! ;) Have a safe flight! Text me when you land! I love you <3 "

I smiled and quickly replied.
" I'll give you more kisses when I come back! ;) I shall text you when I land! I love you too, baby :* "
I turned my phone off, and my flight began to take off.

I'll see you one 2 months , Y/N!

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now