Carl Grimes Imagine for Beth (Beth_Riggs)

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Carl Grimes Imagine for Beth (Beth_Riggs)

Authors note; Sorry it's late I had exams. Hope you liked it. Sorry it sucked.

Ugh why am I in love with my best friend? Why does Carl have to be my one and only crush? I don't like it. It's bad liking your best friend. It might ruin the relationship. But I can't help it! I really like Carl. But he doesn't like me. Plus Carl is the only person I know who is my age and is alive.
"Hey Beth!" Carl said as he interrupted my thoughts.
"Hey Carl!" I said snapping out of my thoughts.
"So how did you sleep?" Carl asked me.
"I didn't get much sleep again." I said. I haven't been sleeping well these days.
"Oh are you okay? Are you having nightmares?" Carl asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. And sort of." I said. Each night I have different nightmares. They were all about my family. It was sort of a memory though. In the dream/memory it showed them being bitten. All of them.
"What are they about?" Carl asked curiously.
"Just how my family was bitten" I said sadly.
"Aww! Im sorry BethDon't worry you have a new family here! " Carl said hugging me. I hugged him back.
"Thanks Carl" I said to him.
"Your always welcome." He said.
We pulled back and looked into each others eyes. Carl's eyes were so blue.
"Uhh well I-I Got to go!" I said stuttering a little as I walked away.
"Where are you going?" Carl asked as I almost reached the exit of the cafeteria.
"To my cell" I said turning to look at him with a smile.
"What are you gonna do?" He asked.
"Read a book or something" I said.
"That's all your gonna do today?" Carl asked again.
"Yeah I guess why?" I asked
"Do you want to go outside and play basketball?" Carl asked as he jogged to get the basketball and then walked back to me.
"Sure!" I said smiling.
"Lets go then!" Carl said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.
"WE'RE GOING TO BE OUTSIDE DAD!!!!" Carl yelled as we reached outside.
"OKAY!BE CAREFUL!" We heard Rick yelled as the door closed.
"Wait.... Where is the basketball court at?" I asked Carl.
"Behind the prison" Carl responded as he grabbed my hand and began walking to the back of the prison. I bet I was blushing by now. Carl Grimes is holding my hand😍😍😍 😉;)
"Do you want to play One-on-One or do want to just for fun?" Carl asked me as we reached the court.
"One-on-One" I said with a smirk.
"Okay winner gets anything!" Carl said with a smirk.
"How many rounds?" I asked
"8 rounds!" Carl responded.
"Okay....1....2.....3......GO!!"I said and we began to play basketball.
We played all 8 rounds and Carl ended up winning -.-
"Ugh! You won!" I said playfully pouting.
"Haha! I get to do whatever I want with you!" Carl said laughing.
"Fine! What do you want?" I asked.
"I want to know your biggest secret!" Carl said blushing.
"W-what?" I asked stuttering. My big secret was my crush on him.
"Tell me your biggest secret!" Carl said with another smirk.
"No!" I protested.
"You have too!" Carl responded.
"Fine.....umm...... I have and had a huge crush on you since we met" I blurted out as I looked at the ground.
I looked up to see Carl's face,but all I saw was him smiling.
"Y-you like me?" Carl said stuttering.
"Yes...." I mumbled I said looking at the ground again.
I looked up and felt Carl's lips on mine. I kissed back.As our lips move in sync, I felt butterflies in my stomach. We pulled back seconds later.
"Beth,I like you too,"Carl said as I smiled at him."I've liked you since we met!"
"Really?" I asked shockingly.
"Yeah. Beth,Will you be my girlfriend?" Carl asked me, blushing.
"I would love too!" I responded. Carl kissed me one more time and we continue playing basketball.
Once it was starting to get dark,we walked back hand in hand to the prison. We went to my cell and told each others scary stories. I had fun today! I got the love of my life! 😍😍😍

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