Chandler Riggs Imagine for Karlee (KarleeCarlson)

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Chandler Riggs Imagine for Karlee (KarleeCarlson)
Authors note: sorry it's late hope you liked it! I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SOFTBALL SO IF I GET ANYTHING WRONG IM SORRY!!!

Karlee's P.O.V

Today is my softball game. It actually starts in like 5 minutes! I'm a little but nervous because my crush is in the crowd. He happens to be the schools best baseball players. His name is, Chandler Riggs. Ever since I went to one of his games, I began to like him, yet I didn't talk to him. Now, he's at my softball game! Oh, lord, I hope I don't mess up today, just because of him!

"EVERYONE! ITS TIME TO GO AND PLAY........KARLEE YOUR FIRST TO BE IN HOME PLATE! " My couch yelled at us as we walked to our bench.
"Okay" I said and one of my teammates passed me a softball bat.
When I grabbed the bat, I took a deep breath, looked at Chandler and he was actually looking at me. I blushed and looked the other way and began walking to home plate.
"Are you ready?" The umpire asked me.
"Yeah!" I said and got in my batting position.
"LETS PLAY!" The umpire said and blew his whistle.
I took another deep breath.
The pitcher was giving me a death glare , for some reason. I also felt like someone was looking at me.
Thats when she pitched. I swung my bat at the right time and I saw as the ball went flying , I realized I hit a foul ball. The ball went into crowd ,but it hit someone. I couldn't see who.
"YOUR OUT! If you hit someone, then your out kid." The umpire said.
"Okay!" I said and ran to the crowd to see who I hit and to apologized.
When I got closer to the injured person, I got a better view of that person. When I saw who I hit, I was embarrassed. I just hit Chandler Riggs!
"OMG CHANDLER I AM SO SORRY!" I whispered yelled.
"It's fine Karlee.... Can your mom or someone take me to the doctor?" Chandler asked in a groggy voice.
I felt so bad for hitting him.
"Sure come on!" I said as I slipped an arm around his waist to help him up. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, which made me get a few goosebumps.
"Thanks!" He said and gave me a weak smile.
"Welcome, now come on let's to!" I said smiling.
I dragged Chandler, to where my mom was.
"Mom can you help me get Chandler to the hospital?" I asked my mom as soon as we reached her.
"Sure, sweetie" my mom said.
She helped get Chandler into the backseat. (That sounded like if you were kidnapping Chandler lol😂😂)
"Karlee sit in the backseat next to Chandler incase he needs anything.... By the way call his mom" My mom said.
I sat next to Chandler, he automatically put his arm around my shoulders.
I looked at him and smile.
"I needed a bit of support!" Chandler said with a smirk. He then took his phone out and called his mom and told her about the whole incident, and that we are on our way to the hospital. She ended the call.
"We'll she isn't mad at you because it was just and accident " Chandler said.
I sighed, feeling relived that Chandler's mom won't kill me.
"Oh thank god!" I said.
"We're here!" My mom said as she parked the car.
Wow the hospital was that close? It seemed long to me. Especially, since Chandler was there.
"Need help getting off?" I asked.
"Yes please!" Chandler chuckled. Aww his chuckle! It's so cute! Wait what......
I giggled and walked to his side and slipped an arm around his waist, as soon as he got off.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. That's the second time that happen, and I get goosebumps!
"I like this position!" Chandler said, referring that he like my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulder.
Wait was he flirting? What is going on in here?
I couldn't say anything I was In Shock so I just smiled.
"C'mon kids, we need to get Chandler inside the hospital!" My mom said.
Chandler and I nodded and walked to the hospital entrance.
"Umm... Hello....can you help my daughters friend? He got hit with a ball right on his face!" My mom explained to the doctor.
"Sure whats his name?" The doctor asked.
"Chandler Riggs!" My mom responded.
The doctor nodded. "Follow me" the doctor said.
The doctor lead us to a room, where I set Chandler down in a chair.
"Okay, wait here another doctor will be here in a few minutes" the doctor said.
My mom nodded at her.
"Do you need anything, Chandler?" My mom asked.
"May I please have some water?" Chandler responded.
"Sure I'll be right back" my mom said and left the room, leaving Chandler and I alone. Awkward!
"So how are you feeling, Chandler?" I asked him, trying to avoid the awkward vibe between us.
"Good" Chandler responded smiling.
"Sorry I hit your face with the ball...." I said blushing from embarrassment.
"It's fine... You didn't mean too"Chandler said.
"Yeah... But I'm still very sorry....How can I make it up to you?" I apologized.
"Don't worry....but I think I know how you can make it up to me !" Chandler asked with a smirk.
"Okay...what is it?" I asked.
"Well...I've had a crush on you for a long time..... I saw you at one of my games and I instantly fell in love with will you go out with me?" Chandler asked nervously.
Did he just...Did he just admit that he has feelings for me? That's so awesome! Cause I like him too!!
"I would love too" I said smiling
"Great," Chandler said smiling, "I've been wanted to tell you that for a long time. I was just nervous"
"Me too. I thought you wouldn't like me back." I said
"Who wouldn't like you? Your cute, pretty and adorable....oh especially beautiful" Chandler said.
I blushed a deep shade of red and said a simple 'thanks'
"Your welcome babe!" Chandler said.
I sat next to him and waited for the doctor and my mom.
When they came back in the room, my mom handed the water bottle to Chandler and the doctor took X-rays and some other things. Chandler was actually fine. He didn't broke his nose, it's just a bit swollen. Before we were told we could leave the hospital, Chandler asked his mom if he can stay at my house for today, and she agreed.
When we got home, my mom left for work since she has night shifts. It was just Chandler and I. We cuddled while watching re-runs of Full House.

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