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"Hey babe" I answered the phone

"Ella we need to break up!" Chandler said.

"What why?" I asked sadly.

"Im just not ready for a relationship" Chandler said.

"Then why did you asked me to be your girlfriend in the first place?" I asked angrily.

"Im really sorry. I do love you though" He said and hung up.

*End of flashback*

Its been a month since Chandler and I broke up. I've missed him like crazy! But its his lost he Was the one who broke up with me. We haven't talked since the break up. Since then I've been crying my heart out!

*Ring ring*

Ugh who's calling me! I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked who it was. what? No it can't be. Chandler was calling me! Should I answer him or not? Well sadly I answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Ella how are you? How have you been?" Chandler asked.

"Good" I lied.

"That's great." Chandler said smiling.

"What about you?" I asked Chandler.

"Not great" Chandler said sadly.

"Uhh why?" I asked.

"I've missed you and i haven't stop loving you!" Chandler said.

"I thought you wouldn't since you were the one who said we should break up!" I said.

"Ella! that was a mistake. I was so stupid by breaking up with you. You are the best thing that has happen to me! Please give me another chance I don't wanna loose you! I love you so much! Please give me one more chance to show you that i really do love and that I don't wanna leave you! " Chandler said sadly.

I guess I should give him a chance right? I mean I still love him

"Fine!" I said.

"OMG YOU WON'T REGRET IT ELLA! I LOVE YOU!" Chandler yelled in excitement

"I love you too!" I said.

"Can I come over?" Chandler asked.

"Yeah hurry though!" I said.

"Okay ill see you in a bit babe!" he said

"Okay bye!" I said and hung up! When he came we talked for a while then we played minecraft! Cause were awesome like that!

AUTHORS NOTE; I am so sorry its short. Sorry it sucked. Ive been busy and stressed. And bad thing happen to me!

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