Carl Grimes imagine for Kristen (_love_chandler_riggs)

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Carl Grimes imagine for Kristen (_love_chandler_riggs)

Authors note; Sorry it's late I had exams. Hope you liked it. Sorry it sucked.

I'm tired of walking alone in the streets and forest. I'm tired of killing walkers. I'm tired of all this! Especially cause I am alone! I had a group but They were bitten. So I'm on my own! I hate being alone!
As I walked into the forest, I got a feeling of being watched.
"Is anyone out here?" I whispered.
"Yes!" I heard some ones voice say from behind me
I turned around and found a boy around my age looking at me. He was quite attractive.
"Do you have a group?" The boy asked.
"No...." I said sadly.
"We'll want to be in my group?" The boy asked.
"Sure!" I said smiling.
"We'll then follow me!" The boy said.
I followed him to I think we're his group is. On our way he told me about his group. Which was just his dad and a women.
Even though I don't know this boy I'm starting to like him.
"We are here!" The boy said inturupting my thoughts.
I looked up and saw a house with a few walkers at the entrance.
"You and your group lives there?" I asked surprised.
"Yes, lets go so they can meet you!" The boy said and we began to walk towards the entrance killing the walkers that were in our way.
* Inside the house*
It's not that bad in here. At least it's save.
"I think their in the Kitchen " the boy said and we walked to the Kitchen.Their was a women with a sword and A guy with a cowboy hat talking.
"Umm..... Guys? I brought another person into our group!" The boy said smiling.
The group stopped talking and looked up at me.
"What's her name?" A Girl with a sword asked me.
"I don't know!" The boy said then he looked at me.
"Why did you bring someone who you don't even know there name!?!?!?" A guy with a cowboy hat said to the boy.
"My name is Kristen!" I blurted out.
"Can she stay with us?" The boy asked.
"Hold on..... Do you have any weapons?" The guy with the cowboy hat asked me.
"Yes just my gun, knife and a bow and arrow in my backpack!" I said.
"Okay you are welcome to stay, Melany." A guy with blue eyes with a cowboy hat said to me.
"I'm Michonne and that's Rick " Michonne said pointing at Rick
"And I'm Carl " The boy who brought me here whose name is Carl said to me.
"Carl is actually going out for a run in a few! Wanna join him?" Michonne asked me.
"I would love too" I said smiling.
"I guess you guys should get going." Michonne said.
"Okay we will be back as soon as possible!" Carl said and grabbed my hand and led me to the streets.
"Look there some houses over there!" I said pointing at some house further into the road.
"Hopefully there some useful stuff." Carl said and we jogged to the the first house.
"I think we should go to the kitchen first!" I suggested.
Carl nodded and we walked inside the house, into the kitchen.
I looked every where and my eyes landed on a huge can. I read the label and it said 'Chocolate Pudding'.
"Carl there's some pudding up there!" I said pointed at the pudding which was on top of a shelf.
"Find some spoons for us while Ill get it down." Carl said as he walked up and tried to reach for the pudding.
I walked to some drawer and found 2 spoons. I then grabbed my bottle of water and washed the spoons.
"Got it!" Carl said as he walked up to me with the can of pudding in his arms.
"Got the spoons!" I said smiling.
"Let go find a place to eat it peacefully." Carl said.
"How about upstairs?" I suggested.
Carl nodded and we headed upstairs. They were 3 rooms. We had to make sure they were safe first.
The first room we couldnt open it because the door was stuck.
When we checked The second bedroom was trashy and stinked.
Now we were checking the third bedroom. Carl nodded at me as he opened the door slowly. The door wasn't even open, but a walkers hands were trying to grab us. We tried shutting the door.
"I'll hold the door and you stab the walker okay?" Carl asked to make sure I understood.
"Okay" I said.
Carl holded the door while I stabbed the walker. We dragged the walker out and we cleared the room up a bit and we ended up eating at in the ceiling. With our legs dangling.
"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked Carl as I took another spoonful of pudding.
"How about we get to know each other ?" Carl suggested.
"Sure you go first!" I said smiling.
We talked about each others life and we told a little bit about our selfs. We found out that we had some stuff in common. Sadly, the sun was beggining to set.
"We better get going!" I said.
"You're right lets go!" Carl said as we jumped off the roof and landed safely.
We ran back to the house. Rick and Michonne were already waiting for us outside.
"There you guys are! We were about to go looking for you guys!" Rick said relived.
"Sorry! We found food!" I said smiling at Carl.
"What was it?" Michonne asked.
"It was one hundred and twelve ounces of pudding" Carl said smirking at me.
"Okay! Go get some sleep we are all heading the road tomorrow!" Michonne announced.
Carl and I nodded and we walked upstairs. Carl showed me where he was staying at. Rick told me I should stay with Carl too.
Carl and I were about to go to bed.
"Kristen, can I ask you a quick question?" Carl asked me.
"Sure" I replied.
"Will you go out with me?" Carl asked nervously.
"Yes! A thousand times yes!" I said excitedly.
Carl smiled and walked up to me. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. We decided to go to sleep. We actually slept in each others arms. This was the start of a beautiful relationship!!

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