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Y/N =You Name
Y/F/F= Your Favorite Food
Word count; 2090

Chandler and I have been dating for 8 months the first 7 months were full of happiness and love. But the eight month we started to fight over the stupidest things. Also he has been acting really different. He use to have a smile on his face,The smile that will always make me smile and have butterflies in my stomach, that smile on his face was now just a frown and mad look on his face. Also he use to have a gentleman attitude,the one that made me feel like a princess, was now a rude attitude which causes the fights and rude comments about me. He use to never get mad at me, but now he gets mad at me for the smallest things i do. Ive been trying to talk to him about what happen with us, but before i even say anything he starts yelling at me for no reason. But today, I'm gonna talk to him. I should text him now and tell him to come to my house. Plus i was alone so my parents wont here us talking or maybe.......fighting.
*The Conversation*
Hey babe can you come over?:D

Sure....Whatever....Ill be there in a few.....
*End of Conversation*
Wow. That was mean. But at least he is coming. I put my phone in my nightstand and let it charge for a while.
*15 min later (12:30pm)* *door bell ringed*
Finally he is here. I got up from the couch i was sitting one and walked to the door. When i open it i saw Chandler standing there with a mad look on his face.
"Hey babe" i said to him and hugged him. He didn't hug back. So i just pulled back.
"Come in" i said and let him in my house.
He walked in and sat in my couch. I followed right behind him and sit in the couch as well.
"So what did you want?" He asked rudely.
Ive had enough of his attitude.
"I wanted to talk to you." I said seriously.
"About what?" He said annoyed.
"About us. What happen to us? We use to be so romantic and a cute couple. Now were fighting about the smallest things. You've change.You use to say nice things to me and have a positive attitude. Now you have a negative attitude and you say rude things to me.What happen to the Chandler i fell in love with? I want that Chandler back."I said trying to hold back the tears. He stood up from the couch while i was still sitting.
"Maybe i changed because I don't like you no more. I don't even know why i asked you to be my girlfriend. Maybe Im just tired of you. I don't need you no more. Were over!"He said angrily and walked to the door and left.
I was till sitting in the couch. I was shocked and sad because he said all those things. I got up from the couch, ran upstairs to my room,closed my door,lay down in the bed and cried my eyes out. I still had the word Chandler said to me earlier. The more i thought about it the more i cried. After crying for an hour or so i fell asleep.
* 3:48pm*
I woke up at 3:48pm to the sound of a door being unlocked. I got up from bed,went to my bathroom, and checked my reflection. Oh god. My cheeks were a little puffy and red. Why?......... oh yeah Chandler. Just thinking of his name made my eyes a little watery.
"Honey were are you?" I heard my mom call for me.
"In my room. Ill be down in a minute." I yelled at her since she was downstairs.
I left my bathroom and went to my nightstand where i left my phone. I turned it on and i actually hope for a message from Chandler saying that he wants me back but no. We really are over. I just had messages from friends asking me if i wanted to go to the mall. I quickly replied with a "no,I'm busy sorry" and then went downstairs.
"Mom?" I called for her when i was at the bottom of the stairs.
"In the kitchen" she said.
I slowly made my way to the kitchen.
"Hey honey how was you-Oh my god are you okay honey?" She asked as soon as she saw my puffy red cheeks. Thats why i love my mom,she cares.
"Chandler and i broke up today." I said bursting into tears.
"Aww honey don't worry honey. Everything will be okay! Cmon lets sit in the table." She said grabbing my hand and leading me to the table.
"Why did he broke up with you honey?" She asked as soon as i sat there. I calmed down a but and began talking.
"Well lately him and i have been fighting over the smallest things also he has changed he use to have a positive attitude but now he has a rude attitude.. So I invited him over so we can talk. When he came we sat in the couch and I told him how I've been feeling. He said he was tired of me and he doesn't know why he asked me out in the first place and that he doesn't need me no more then he said we were over." I said sadly,trying not to burst into tears again.
"Oh honey don't worry he will regret saying those things to you. Also if he comes that means he will apologize and you should give him a chance to talk and you can decided wether the boy is the one or not. But if he doesn't then he wasn't worth you time. You will find someone better. Just keep smiling honey" She said to me with a smile.
"Aww thanks mom. I love you." I said to her giving her a hug. She hugged me back tighter.We pulled back now she was looking at me in the eyes.
"Now lets make your favorite food,while listening to your favorite music, then we can watch tv or a movie and later we can go to the store and buy some junk food" she said smiling.
I am so lucky to have a mom like her.
"Thanks mom I'm lucky to have you.Ill be right back let me get my phone so we can listen to music and cook" I said to her smiling. I ran upstairs to my room and got my phone check again hoping for a message from Chandler but sadly......no. Only friends said "okay but lets hang out soon" . I went to my music and ran downstairs to the kitchen. When i got there my mom organized the ingredients to cook my favorite food, Y/F/F. I connected my phone to the speaker we have in the kitchen and then my mom and i were blasting off to All Time Low. We started to cook the food.
*11;00pm* *sorry for skipping to much*
Well today was a good day, if you leave the part with the whole Chandler thing. My mom and i,did do all the things she said. Now it was time to go to sleep. I put on some music. Since its the only way for me to sleep. Then my eyes stared to drift apart.
I woke up at 9;30 to the sound of my phone ringing. I checked who was calling me.
It was........Chandler. To be honest i don't know why but I decided to answer him.
"What do you want Chandler? I thought you said you were tired of me and that you don't need me no more." I said annoyed.
"Y/N please can we talk?" He asked sadly.
"I think you already said what you need to say." I said coldly.
"Please-" he said, but i hanged up on him.
I know it was mean for me to do that but i meant he left me heart broken.
I called my mom on her phone,since she was working already. When she answered i told her everything that i said to Chandler and what he said to me. She said that i should cool down for a minute, and that it was rude to talk to Chandler like that but she understood me and then she hanged up because she had to get back to work.
I got off my bed, went to my closet, get some skinny jeans and a "Sleeping With Sirens" shirt and took a shower.
When i was done i did my hair in a bun then i just sat in my bed singing to ATL,SWS,PTV,AA, 1D and more.
*11;55am* *door bell rings*
I heard my door bell ringed,so i paused my music,went downstairs to the door. I opened it and it was............Chandler. I was still mad at him, so i closed the door, but he stopped it with his foot.
"Y/N please lets talk!"he said sadly.
"Why should we?" I said annoyed.
"Just.... please lets talk." He said.
I couldn't take it, i missed him. And also like my mom said " Also if he comes that means he will apologize and you should give him a chance to talk and you can decided wether the boy is the one or not" . I open the door and looked at him.
"May I come in? " he asked smiling weakly.
"Sure" I said. He smiled and walked in and sat in the couch waiting for me. When we sat down he was the first one to talk.
"Y/N i am so sorry for saying all those things. I regret them. I really do. I miss you. I do need you in my life. Your my everything. Im not tired of you. Your the only person that makes me feel special and makes me smile and you keep me motivated. And i do know why i asked you to be my girlfriend, because i fell in love with you as soon as i laid eyes on you at the meet and greet. You looked so beautiful with your black skinny jeans and your "walking dead" shirt. When we talked and laughed i just love your voice and your laugh it was just adorable. Also I'm sorry for being so rude to you. Management told me that i need to brake up with you. I didn't fight back I'm sorry but yesterday i finally had the guts to fight back. They said that I can be with you. I really didn't want to loose you. But it was either my career or you. Then i realized i was so stupid to choose my career your more important than anything. So when i told them i choose you they let me keep my career and still have you. But that was yesterday. I just want you, thats all i need.Please Y/N forgive me i love you so much. You are the only thing that i cant live without. Just please forgive me. If you don't its fine. I understand. But this love with you is the best that i have ever felt." He said bursting into tears like i did yesterday.
I just sat there with tears in my eyes. Tears of happiness though. That was the sweetest thing a boy has ever said to me.
"Im guessing thats a no. Its fine ill get going. Nice seeing you again."he said sadly. He got up and he was heading towards the door.
When he was half way there. I ran and to where he was and tap his shoulder. He turned around and look at me with sad eyes. I got on my tippy toes, wrap my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. He kissed back and he put his hand on my waist. I missed this. It felt magical. I pulled back a minute later.
"I forgive you" I said happily. He smiled and he kissed me again.... When we finished kissing we went back to the living room and watched movies. When my mom came from work she saw Chandler and me staring at each other,smiling and talking,not even paying attention to the movie. She just said she was happy for us for being back together. After that day Chandler hasn't said anything mean to me.

Authors Note; My first Chandler Imagine. What y'all think ?please leave your opinions below. I wrote this while hearing the song "Who Are You Now?" By Sleeping With Sirens. Btw If You Want An Imagine send me a message. Also im about to start writing 1D imagines so check them out only if you love them. No hate.

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now