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I was hanging out with my boyfriend, Chandler at his house. We were watching tv. I could hardly see since my glasses were getting dirty. I've had these glasses for a long time. I don't want to chance glasses because these glasses mean a lot me. Not only because I can see but because It reminds me of something.

"Kianna can I tell you something?" Chandler asked me out of no where.

"Sure babe!" I responded.

"We'll I want to be a hundred percent honest with you. You look ugly with those glasses" Chandler said.

"We have known each other since fifth grade and I've been wearing these glasses since then and you just tell me now?" I said/asked angrily.

"What? they're just stupid glasses!"Chandler said.

"We're done! I've told you many times these glasses mean a lot to me!" I said sadly and walked out of his and walked to mine.

On my way to my house, the flashback of that day came to my head. The day I got my glasses. The day which was the only reason why I kept this glasses.


"Mom can I ask you something?" I asked my mom from the backseat as we drove to the mall.

"Sure honey what is it?" My mom replied looking at me from the mirror.

"How come your the best mom ever?" I asked giggling.

"Aww thanks honey I try my best to keep up with all your stuff." She said laughing.

"Hey! I am perfectly normal." I said in a playful sassy way.

My mom just laughed as she stopped on the red light. All the sudden we heard a car going fast. When we looked forward, we saw it was coming towards us. My mom tried to to move, but it was too late. The car hit us and caused us to pass out. When I woke up I saw my mom still sitting in her seat with blood coming down her face.

"Mommy?" I asked worriedly.

"S-sweetie I-I w-won't b-be able to ma-make it!" My mom said stuttering. I heard sirens coming near us.

"Mom stay with me please! The ambulance are on their way!" I said back at her.

It was too late. My mom closed her eyes and her head fell to her shoulder.

"NO! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I cried out. I began to cry.

"We got them" One of the paramedics said.

One of them took my mom.

"Can I go?" I asked as they were loading her into the ambulance truck.

"I'm sorry kid. You can't. Please wait here we will call your dad to pick you up." The paramedics respond.

I cried but nodded. I sat down in the car seat and waited for my dad.

Once he came he saw me and walked up to me.

"Hey sweetie where's mommy? Is she okay?" My dad asked.

"She's in that ambulance," I said and pointed at the ambulance my mom is in. " and I don't know I'f she's okay" O said and cried.

"Don't cry sweetie. You stay here ill be right back" my dad said and gave me a quick hug and he walked to the ambulance my mom was in.

Ten minutes later my dad came back crying and with my moms glasses which she had in her pocket in her sweater

"I'm sorry sweetie. We lost your mom, but she's in a better place now. She woke up one last time and told me to give you these" My dad said and handed me her glasses.

I cried and put them on.

*Flash back ends*

I cried as my flashback ended. Ever since I never go a day without putting them on. It just reminds me that my mom is close to me. I love her and miss her so much.

I walked into my house, which was lonely since my dad worked, and I ran to my room and cried.

*5 minutes later*

I Stopped crying when I heard my phone ringed. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked who was calling. It was Chandler.

I really didn't want to answer but a voice inside me was like 'Answer the phone' .

"Hello?" I asked annoyed for some reason.

"Kianna I am so sorry for what I said earlier. I called your dad and he told me why you keep your glasses. You really do look beautiful and I'm not just saying that cause I feel terrible. I'm saying it cause I mean it. You look really adorable and beautiful in those glasses. Please forgive me Kianna and take me back please" Chandler said in a desperately tone.

I was smiling even though he couldn't see me. He called my dad to see why really wear these glasses. And he said I looked beautiful in them.

"I forgive you baby and yes I'll take you back" I said.

"Good. I've missed you." Chandler said sadly.

"It's only been like two hours" I said giggling

"That a long time" Chandler said giggling.

I then told him everything about my mom and the accident. He finally understood why these glasses mean so much to me. I'm glad he understood. I love him




- Feelsbcniall


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