Carl Grimes Imagine for Mikaela (CuteDimples 'cousin)

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Carl Grimes Imagine for Mikaela (CuteDimples 'cousin)

Authors note; Sorry it's late I had exams. Hope you liked it. Sorry it sucked.

*Flashback, before the walkers took over*
"Mikaela, are you ready to meet your new family?" A lady asked me as she started her car.
"Yeah..... I guess" I said unsure as I put my belt on
"We'll let's get going !" The lady said and began to drive.
In case you haven't notice, I was at the adoption center. My parents didn't like me so I ended up at the adoption center. But 2 days ago I was told I was adopted by a couple who have a boy around my age. The parents name were, Lori and Rick Grimes. Their sons name is, Carl Grimes. I just hope they accept me. I don't want to go back to the adoption center.

*At Lori and Rick's house*

"We're here Mikaela! Get your bags from the trunk!" The lady said as she opened the trunk.
I didn't answer. I just got out of the car and grabbed my bags. As I was unloading my bags, I felt a little nervous meeting my new family. What if I don't get along with my new parents? What if I don't get along with my new brother?

"Mikaela your new parents are coming our way!" The lady said smiling.
I looked up and I saw Lori and Rick walking towards me and that lady who never told me her name -.-
"Hello Mikaela! I'm Lori and this is Rick! We're going to be your new parents!" Lori said excited and smiling
"Hi Lori and Rick!" I said nervously. Ugh the nerves -.-
"Oh please! You can call us mom and dad!" Rick said.
"Okay dad" I said laughing.
"Yay! She is getting along with y'all!" The lady squealed.
"We'll she is our daughter now!Thanks Susy for everything!" Lori said smiling at the lady. Oh her name was Susy.
"No problem! Well I have I go back to the adoption center! Goodbye and good day!" Susy said as got into the car and left.
"We'll Mikaela let's go meet your new brother!" Lori said as she holded my hand and led me into the house. Once Lori and Rick closed the door, they led me upstairs to Carl's room I think. The door was closed but Rick knocked.
"Carl open the door so you can meet your new sister!" Rick said excitedly.
"Coming!" Carl said. I heard some shuffling and then the door knob twisted open. There revealed a boy ,who I believe is Carl, with beautiful blue eyes. Wow this can't be my new brother! I loved this boy already! As in LOVE!
I realized he was staring at me with a big 'o' shaped in his mouth.
"Um... Hi I'm Mikaela" I said introducing myself.
"Uhhh.... Hi my name is Carl!" Carl said.
"We'll why don't you kids go outside and play or get to know each other while I go make supper" Lori said.
"Okay!...... C'mon lets go outside Mikaela!" Carl said and dragged me outside.
Once Carl and I got outside, we sat down in the porch steps. We spent talking about each other' life and about our selfs. That was until Lori called us for supper. Lets just say, I was In love with Carl and I got a new family that night. Even though sisters and brothers can't date.
*Flashback Ends*
*your currently at the prison*
Ever since the day I met Carl I've been In love with him. Even after all this. After the walkers took over the world. The good thing we never got separated. We're still together. Yet we are still brother and sister. Well I need to stop thinking and get back to work, which is taking care of Judith. I forgot to mention, my mom died while giving birth to Judith. I really do miss her.But it was her choice.

Carl's P.O.V
So I've been in love with my adoptive sister, Mikaela , ever since I met her. I've been wanting to tell her my feelings ever since the day I met her as well.
"Hey bud!" My friend Patrick said interrupting my thoughts.
Patrick was my only friend after the walkers took over. Patrick didn't knew about my crush on Mikaela.
"Hey Patrick!" I said.
"Um dude can I tell you something?" Patrick said nervously.
"Sure" I said.
"Okay, um I like Mikaela and I wanna ask her out. I just don't know if she likes me!" Patrick blurted out.
"What?" I asked. No! Mikaela is mine -.-
"I want to ask Mikaela out!" Patrick said.
"I'm sorry you can't!" I said.
"Oh it's cool dude!" Patrick said and left.
I had to say that. I don't want to see no one with Mikaela except me. Mikaela is mine and only mine. I guess Its time for me to tell her how I feel.

Mikaela's P.O.V

"Mikaela take a break. Ill take care of Judith for a while!" Carol said as she took Judith from me.
"Okay thanks!" I said smiling.
"Your welcome!" Carol said.
I walked to my cell and laid on my bed. I felt so relaxed.
"Mikaela can I talk to you ?" Carl asked as he walked in my cell. I felt my stomach turned as I saw Carl. He looked perfect as always.
"Sure what is it?"I asked.
"I know we are brother and sister but I really do love you! Ever since I met you I fell in love with you. It was love at first sight. I never loved no one as much as I love you! It's okay if you don't like me!" Carl blurted out.
I've been waiting for a long time to hear Carl say that.
"I love you too! But we are brother and sister!" I said sadly.
"Yeah but we are not blood related and they aren't no more rules!" Carl said.
"Lets talk to Rick first." I responded.
"Lets go!" Carl said and he dragged me to the cafeteria, where Rick was.
"Hey dad.....Ummmm.... Mikaela and I need to talk about you something!" Carl said nervously.
"What's up guys?" Rick said.
"Um well we wanted to know if we can date! We both really love each other." I said smiling.
"Guys Y-" Rick said but Carl interrupted him.
"I know we are brother and sister but, we are not blood related." Carl said trying to convince.
Rick sighed and fell into deep thought. He sighed deeply again.
"Okay. You guys can date, but Mikaela still needs to call me dad " Rick said smiling.
"Okay Thanks dad!" Carl and I said in unison.
After that, Carl and I began to date and we ended up having a long lasting relationship. Carl and I were happy together. We knew we were meant to be together

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