Carl Grimes imagine for Sari (Sariistpierre)

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Carl Grimes imagine for Sari (Sariistpierre)
Authors note: sorry it's late,Hope you liked it.
This takes place before the prison gets destroyed.
Sari's P.O.V
I've been walking with a broken foot for the past week. It's scary. I dont have a group and There could be a huge herd of walkers coming towards me and I wouldn't be able to run. Good thing it hasn't happened.
I'm so exhausted, tired, scared and in huge pain. I just want to sit down and relax. I can't though. You never know where a walker could be...
As I felt a huge pain in my leg, I gave up and sat down on the ground. Whimpering as I sat down.
Not even a minute after I sat down, I heard a rustling noise.
At first I thought it was a walker, but I would've heard groaning or moaning by now, I didn't though.
The footsteps got louder and closer.
"Hello?" A males voice asked," Is anybody out there?"
I sat in my spot for a minute and decide wether or not to stand up. What if he will shoot me or something like that?
What if he has a group? Okay, I'm standing up. I struggled getting up but I somehow made it. Yay!
"Umm, I'm here...." I whispered.
The man pointed his gun at me at first, but then he lowered it.
"Are you bit?" Was the first thing the male said.
"No.....but I think I broke my foot about a week ago..." I responded.
"Are you alone? Or do you have a group?"
"Sadly,I don' I'm alone"
"Would you like to join my group? We have a nice shelter, food, supplies and a doctor, so he could check out your foot."
"Are you sure I can join? I don't want to cause trouble or anything"
"Nope. It's fine. Plus, the more the better right?"
"Yeah..... My name is Sari by the way.....nice to meet you sir!" I said smiling. I still have my manners :)
"We'll aren't ya a respectful young lady?" He said and we chuckled.
"I guess so" I said.
"My name is you need some help walking? I could help you"
"Yes please"
Daryl came next to me and put one of his arms around my shoulder and we walked liked this all the way to the prison. We talk on the way. We got to know each other more :p
*At the prison*
"Quick! Carol open the door before the walkers get closer!" Daryl was yelling at a woman, who I believe is Carol, to open the door. Daryl and I made safe and sound to the prison as you can see. Carol opened the door fast and Daryl dragged me inside. Then he lead the way inside the prison.
"Daryl? Who's this little girl?And is she okay? She seems to be limping " Carol asked looking at me.
"This is Sari. I saw her in the woods and she said her foot was broken."
"Nice to meet you Carol, my name is Sari!" I introduced myself and stuck my hand out for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Sari. Now, let's take you to Hershel to get your foot checked out. Oh! Forgot to mention, Hershel is our doctor in here!" Carol said as she grabbed my arm from Daryl and put it around her.
*At Hershel's cell*
"Hershel? We seem to have a new member in our group, her name is Sari, and she seems to have broken her foot. Do you mind checking it out?" Carol as she asked a man, who I believe is Hershel.
"Sure.... Come over here Sari" Hershel said smiling.
I walked carefully to Hershel and sat down in the chair that was in front of him. He carefully lifted my foot to take a look at it. He move it a little and I wince in pain.
"Your foot is definitely broken. Are you gonna stay with us?" He asked me.
"Yeah I am. My name is Sari as you probably know already." I said.
"We'll then Sari we should find you a cell, so you can lie down. I'll get two of our members from our group to get some crutches for you." Hershel said.
"Okay. Thank you, sir! We're shall I stay?" I asked.
"Your welcome.They are some upstairs"
"Okay, I'll go. Thank you again sir!"
"You are welcome! If you would like some books to read there is a cell with a huge bookshelf. Pick any book. I'll suggest for you to read, since you won't be able to walk for a while."
"Okay, see you later, Hershel!" I said and he smiled.
"You need help or can you walk ?"
"No thank you. I can do it." I said and he nodded.
I stood up and began to walk upstairs. When I was about to exit the cell I almost bumped into another man. He wasn't Daryl or Hershel.
"Umm..... Hi my name is Sari..... Daryl said I'm in your group now......I hope that's okay with you sir."
"It's fine with me Sari. My name is Rick. By the way are you okay? You seem to be limping!" Rick said.
"I'm fine. I just broke my foot I'm heading upstairs to find a cell. But first I'm going to go find a book to read."
"Oh okay. Do you need help or can you walk?"
"I can walk thank you sir!"
"Your welcome and your so polite!" He chuckled and began walking pass me.
I continue walking upstairs.
*At your cell*
I finally choose a cell and I found a good book called 'guitar notes' (ive read this book. It's cute). I set my backpack down and walked to my bed and sat up against the bed board.
I began reading.
"Who are you?" I heard a boys voice asked.
I looked up and there was a boy around my age standing outside my cell.
"My name is Sari..... I'm in your group now..... I'll get up to see shake your hand but my foot is broken....." I said
"Once your foot can heals you can leave!" He screamed at me and walked away.
'What was the boys problem?' I thought to myself
I continue reading but then I heard someone yell.
"DAD WHY IS SHE HERE? WE DONT NEED HER! SHE CAN LEAVE!" I heard the same boy yell at who I believe is his dad.
Was Rick, Carl's dad?
That's when I zoned out. I let my book fell and I began crying. Nobody wants me. Not even before all this happen, I guess nothing changed. Ugh! What's wrong with me? Why can't people get along with me?
"Sari are you okay?" I heard Carol asked me.
I stopped crying and wiped the tears that were streaming down my face.
"Yeah I'm fine. Carol thanks!" I said and grabbed my book and hold it up my face, so it could hide my tear stained face.
"No your not sweetie, I heard your sobbings from the top of the stairs.... Now what's wrong?" Carol asked me.
I didn't answer her. Not trying to be rude or anything, I just didn't really wanna talk.
"Was it Carl?" She asked again, after a minute of silence.
I sighed and nodded my head yes. It was basically obvious. You could hear Carl yell from anywhere inside the prison.
"Sweetie don't worry about him!" She said.
She doesn't get it.....we'll I haven't told her about my past.
"Carol you don't get it...... Ever since I started pre-k till eighth grade, people never really liked me or like having me around. Why do you think I've been by myself with no group? Cause no one wanted me. So when Carl said he didn't want me here. I kinda got tired of hearing that and broke down crying! I actually felt wanted before Carl came into my cell..... But once Im heal I'll leave...." I said in a serious tone, yet when I was done explaining, I let all my tears fall down my face.
I finally told someone how I've been feeling and what people use feel towards me.
Carol and I heard a soft knock on my cell door. I stopped crying and looked up towards the door. Great! Carl was there.... What does he want?
"Carol can I talk to Sari for a bit?" Carl asked.
"Sure, but if you say any rude thing to her I'll come and drag you out of the prison." Carol said as she got up and walked passed him.
"What do you want,Carl?" I asked a little rudely. He deserved it though!
"Sari I came to talk" Carl said as he looked right into my bloodshot eyes.
"What do you wanna talk about ?" I asked looking away from him.
"You know.......for the things I yelled a few minutes ago."he said
"Don't worry, I'll leave once I'm healed!" I said looking back at him.
"No, Sari.... I actually came to apologize, I'm sorry I yelled out those things it's just you remind me of someone, which was the reason I got mad. Not that that 'someone' made me mad just made me sad. And also I didn't know you went through that. I'm so sorry. I would really love for you to stay.
I looked at him shock for some reason ..... He actually wasn't a bad guy, I mean he apologize for what he did. That's really nice if him.
"Okay I forgive you, but Carl, tell me what was your problem towards me and that 'someone' I know we just met but you can trust me. You can tell me anything" I said kindly.
"thanks I actually wanna talk about it with someone" He said smiling.
"Welcome, now come sit here and tell me what was your problem?" I asked politely as I patted the empty space for him to sit down. He quietly walked to the place were I told him to sit.
"Well it's cause I use to have a friend name Sophia," he said and started to sob "but she turned into a walker and I saw her get shot....... And I sorta had a small crush on her, so I missed her dearly........I tried to forget about her and then you came and You kinda reminded me of her......."
I hugged him, and to my surprise he hugged me back. He up his head in the crook of my neck and cried more. I rubbed his back to calm him down. Hopefully.
"I'm so sorry Carl, but don't try to forget the memories you had with Sophia........ Never forget the memories you had with someone important, you should keep them in your heart so you could remember them c'mon Carl calm down..... I know it hurts but keep a smile on your face!" I said as I continue to rubbed his back.
Carl stopped crying and looked at me with a smile. I smiled back and I could still notice the tears on his face. I put both my hands on his cheeks and removed the tears with my thumb. I looked up to see He was still smiling. I felt myself blushed and smiled. He looked at eyes then he looked at my lips then went back to look at my eyes. I gotta admit he was very attractive. I know he did something wrong but he apologize. He did the right thing.
He started to lean in. I just sat there wondering what to do.... Then BAM!
He kissed me right in my lips. I was a shocked but kissed back. It felt right. The way our lips moved in sync.We pulled away at the same time and just looked into each other's eyes.
"Sorry about that. You just look very beautiful. " He said.
I blushed," thanks and it's fine"
"But the kiss was really amazing...... Wanna start over? Then maybe we could date? " he asked with a smirk and a wink.
I laughed at his cheekiness, " Sure!"
The whole day we spend talking about our lives before all this happen and some things about us and our likes and dislikes, Which turns out we had loads of stuff in common. Anyway, since I broke my foot I couldn't get some food to eat, but Carl would go get me snacks from downstairs. Also by the end of the day, I got my crutches and when everyone, except Carl and I, went to sleep. Carl snuck in my cell and help me get up with my crutches and he took me to the little basketball court the had on the side of the prison. Right then and there , Carl asked me to be his girlfriend right under the moonlight. Of course I said yes. Since then, I knew Carl was the one for me, and I knew I loved him.

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