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Requested;We've been going out for 9 months and I found out he was cheating. I Broke up with him. I used my best guy friend to make Chandler Jelous it worked n chandler recreate our first date.

Finally, a day that I get to visit Chandler on set! I've been trying to visit him, but I'm either busy or something came up! But today, I don't have to do anything, so my mom is driving me to the set!

*At the set!, Sorry for the time skip*

In just a few minutes, I'm going to be able to see Chandler! Since I just stepped in.

"Hey Melany, are you here to see Chandler?" Andrew (Rick) asked with a smirk.

"Yeah. He doesn't know I'm here so I'm basically surprising him. Where is he?" I asked Andrew

"He is in his Trailer right over there!" Andrew said pointing to his right.

"Okay thanks" I said smiling as I walked to Chandler's trailer.

When I got there, I knocked the door. When I heard the door open, I was expecting Chandler to be standing there , but instead a girl was there standing looking at me in a annoyed way.

"Who are you? And what do you want?"The girl asked me in annoyed tone aswell.

"I'm Mela-" I was cut off by Chandler.

"Melany what are you doing here?" He asked with a hint of worries in his voice.

"I'm here for you! Who is this?" I asked pointed at the girl.

"I'm Viri, Chandler's girlfriend" Viri said.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Melany, I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out this way!" Chandler said sadly.

"So you've been cheating on me?how long?" I asked with a hint of hurt yet anger in my voice.

"8 months..." Chandler said

"YOU HAVE BEEN CHEATING ON ME SINCE 1 MONTH AFTER YOU ASKED ME TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!?!WERE DONE!" I yelled at Chandler as I walked out of the set. I called my mom and she picked me up in 10 minutes. When she saw me, her face was looking at me with concern.

"Honey what happened?" She asked.

I told her everything tht happened.

"Oh I'm so sorry honey. Do you wanna hang out with Ryan? You know he also cheers you up" My mom said.

Ryan is my best guy friend. We have been close since 4th grade. He did cheer me up.

"Yes please" I said.

My mom nodded and we drove to Ryan's house.

*At Ryan's house*

"Hey Ryan " I said sadly as I saw Ryan walking out of his house.

"Hey Melany what's wrong ?" Ryan asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Chandler cheated on me with some girl " I said as I cried on his shoulder.

"Aww don't cry! Do you want to make him feel bad for loosing you?" Ryan asked with a smirk.

"Yes!How though?" I said/asked letting go of the hug.

"Well remember you said that Chandler's Family and your Family were going to do a BBQ tomorrow ? " Ryan asked you. Oh yeah I forgot about that.

"Yeah" I said.

"Lets pretend were dating in front of him. He will get jealous and he will be begging for you to take him back and he will regret cheating on you.' Ryan explained.

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now