He was there & you weren't....(slighty sexual)

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Imagine for French_Frechette
Imagine for Isabelle
A/N: Hope you enjoy your imagine, Isabelle :)
(This imagine will take place in Alexandria )

Isabelle's P.O.V

Great. Another day on being stuck in this damn house. I'm currently home alone , AGAIN, since my boyfriend ,Ron , decided to hang out with his friends. Normally it wouldn't bother me that he's out with his friends, but he's been out with them for over a month. Meaning, I haven't spent much quality time with him at all. Although, my friend Carl has kept me some company. He will stop by for a couple of hours just to play some board games, and talk about life. This is probably gonna sound bad, seeing as how I'm with Ron ,but Carl has been more of a boyfriend more than Ron lately. Carl has actually been there for me, checks up on me, surprises me and etc.

Sadly, Carl and his dad, Rick, are gonna go out with their group for some reason. So I probably won't have anyone to hang out with today. It is only around midday, might as well just take a small nap. I walk upstairs to my room

*A Couple Hours Later*

*Door creaks open*

I woke up to the sound of somebody opening my bedroom door. I immediately sat up, and noticed it was Ron who opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, while I stretched.

"The guys left early, cause they had to do some stuff." Ron responded.

"Oh nice. Did you have fun today?" I asked, and laid back down.

"Yeah. What about you? What have you been doing all day?" Ron asked.

"Same as the other days that you've left me to go hang out with your friends, nothing." I said, but immediately regretting what I said.

"What? What the hell do you mean?" Ron asked, angrily.

Oh dear lord.... What mess did I just get into?

"You've been leaving me home alone for over a month. You're not there for me anymore. I've dealt with so much these past few weeks, but you don't bother to just sit down and hear me out. You know who has been there for me? Carl. He's been helping me, and even keeping me company. He's been coming over for a few hours everyday, just to keep me company. " I said, confronting him about our problems.

"So you've been cheating on me?!" Ron yelled.

"No. Carl was just keeping me company." I said, trying to stay calm.

"Sounds more like you were cheating though. You know what? Get out of the house. I can't stand your company right now. You're just pissing me off. " Ron yelled, again.

"Fine. Want me to leave? You got it. Bye, Ron." I said, and began to tear up.

I got up from my bed, and stormed out of the house. As soon I got out of the house, feeling the cool air hit me, I sat down and began to cry hysterically. Questions were racing all of my mind. What the hell happened? I mean, Ron and I don't seem to function anymore. Should we even stay together?

"Isabelle?" I heard Carl's voice.

I look up, and Carl is was standing on the porch steps.

"Oh! Hi Carl! You are back! How are you?" I asked , while wiping my tears away.

"I came back about an hour ago. I went home, showered, and decided to check up on you.What's wrong?" Carl asked, as he hugged me.

"Ron kicked me out." I said.

"What? Why? That's stupid!" Carl responded.

"I'll tell you, but not here....." I said.

"Wanna go to my house?" Carl asked.

"Yeah..." I responded.

I got up, and Carl led me to his house.

"Okay. Tell me on the way?" Carl suggested.

"Okay. So you already know how Ron has been with his friends a lot more than me. We got into a fight about it, cause I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut. I told him how he hasn't been there for me anymore. Only you have. I told him how you would come over to keep me company, but he took it the wrong way, and he thought I was cheating on him. Then he told me to leave, cause I was just pissing him off. So I got up and left." I explained my situation.

We were now at his house.

"Let's go to my room, and we can continue talking there" Carl said.

I nodded my head "yes".

Carl led me to his room, and we both sat on the edge of his bed.

"Well, anyways, I think he is stupid for kicking you out. Plus, I'm proud of you for standing up to him. He deserves to know how much he missed out on." Carl responded.

"Well true.." I said.

"Hell, if I had you, I would be with you most of the time. I would like to just hang around with you all day." Carl paused. We both looked up to look at each others eyes. Then he continued. "How could someone leave an amazing girl like you at home all day? Plus, you're so beautiful, and I would show you off every time we go out. I'll be a lucky guy." Carl said.

Before we know it, both of us are leaning in. We kissed.

This is bad. I'm still with Ron... I think... This is considered cheating. But then again, Carl's lips against mine feel amazing. I can't help, but to kiss him back. There is this amazing feeling going on inside me. A feeling I've never felt with anyone, not even Ron.

I felt Carl's arms wrap around my waist. I wrapped one around his neck, meanwhile my other hand pulled on his hair, making Carl groan. I pulled back from the kiss, and I let my "wild" side get out. I began to slightly push him onto the bed. I climbed on top of him. I kissed him again, and began grinding on him. He was moaning against my mouth constantly. His hands were going up and down my body, which was driving me crazy.


Carl and I got off each other and sat up on the bed.

"Ron?! What are you doing here!? How did you know I was here!?" I asked.

"Well, I was looking for you to apologize for leaving you for so long and for accusing you of cheating, and I knew you would go to your LOVERS house aka CARL'S house. I think I shouldn't even apologize anymore. You're just a bitch." Ron said.

"Take that last word back." Carl growled, as he got up from the bed, and stood a few feet away from Ron.

"You shut up, Carl! You're an asshole for sleeping with somebody's else's girlfriend." Ron exclaimed.

"Well not my fault you've been making Isabelle feel like she's not worth your time." Carl said.

Ron was extremely pisses off at this point. The anger got the best of him, which made him punch Carl right in his left cheek. Carl got fed up,too, and began to beat up Ron. Then a huge fight began.

"Guys... Calm down! Stop" I said, as I got in between them, and separated them apart.

"Who's side are you even on Isabelle?" Ron asked, angrily.

"I'm on Carl's. I'm sorry, Ron, but I can't be with you. We are not compatible anymore. We have drifted apart. I'm done trying to get your attention. We are done." I said.

"Fine. I'll leave you guys be then. Isabelle, I expect you to take your stuff out of our house soon." Ron said, and left.

"Well that was dramatic." I said.

"At least, you're not with him no more." Carl said.

"You got a point there!" I paused , and took a breath, then continued "Did you meant every word that you said earlier?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah. I did "Carl said , and paused, "Listen, I know you just got out of a relationship.... But would you like to go out with me?" Carl asked.

"Yes! I'd love to!" I responded.

Let's just say after that lovey dovey stuff , we continued a little bit of what we started earlier.

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