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UGH! Its hard dealing with this situation with the walkers. It’s boring as well. You have to stay locked in a house or somewhere. It’s boring!

“Hey Chleia are you ready to go do some errands?” Carl asked as he walked in to my cell.

Oh. I forgot Carl and I were going to go do some errands today.

“Um yeah. Just give me 5 minutes to change!” I said as I got up from my bed and walked to my backpack to get a new pair of clothes.

“Okay I will be waiting for you in the cafeteria!” Carl said and walked off.

I quickly changed and walked to the cafeteria. On my way there, I had this feeling that today was going to be a great day. I hope it is.

“Good morning Chleia “Daryl, Rick, Carol, Maggie, and Glenn said as I walked into the cafeteria.

“Good morning guys” I said smiling as I walked to Carl

“You guys will be here before the sun goes down right?” Rick asked Carl and I

“Yes dad” Carl said.

“Yes, Rick” I said

“Good. Now go hunting!” Rick said.

Carl and I laughed and walked to the gate.

“Did you bring your knife and gun?” Carl asked me as we were half way from the gate.

“Um,” I said as I checked my side bag. “Yeah I did”

“Great. You never know how many walkers will get in our way” Carl said.

We walked the rest in silence. We notice there were some walkers by the gate.

“Okay, this is the plan. You go kill the walkers while. When there no more walkers close to the gate ill open it and close it and will make a run to that tree” Chandler said as he pointed at a tree which was in front of the prison.

“Okay.” I said as I ran and killed the walkers.

Carl opened the gate as soon as there were hardly any walkers close to it.

“Run” Carl said as he closed the gate. We ran as fast as we could to the tree.

“Wow that was actually cool” I said giggling.

“It was actually!” Carl said.

“Let’s go before it gets dark!” I said as I continued to walk into the forest.

“Okay” Carl said and giggled.

We walked around the forest until we saw some stores.

“Look there might be some good stuff in there” I said as I pointed at a store.

“Your right lets go” Carl said and we walked towards the store while looking around incase a walker came up to us. There were some walkers but they weren’t looking at us.

“We made it!” Carl whispered yelled

“Yeah we did now let’s go in before they see us” I said as I pointed at the walkers.

Carl nodded and we got in.

“I’ll go that side” Carl said pointed at the right side of the store. He walked off to his side.

“I’ll go that side I guess.” I said while pointing at the left side of the store. I walked off to my side.

I searched around my side around the store. I found like 6 jars of baby formula, 4 packets of hair bands and 8 boxes of cereal. I thought I was done. I just walked around trying to fine Carl.

Chandler Riggs and Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now