Chapter 3

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Rhi quickly gets up and starts running towards the stairs. Unfortunately for her, Loki is faster and cuts her off before she can escape.

"And where do you think you're going?" He says as he slowly backs her into the wall.

"Well...I'm trying to get away from here as quickly as possible. So, if you don't mind..." Rhi goes to move away from the wall, but Loki cuts her off again by places his hand on the wall next her.

"Ah ah ah, I haven't dismissed you just yet."

Rhi rolls her eyes. "I don't need your permission."

Loki looks down at her with dark eyes. "Well, aren't we a feisty one."

"Yeah well...I don't really like being told what to do. Now, if you'll excuse me." Rhi tries to duck under Loki's arm to escape, but he grabs her by the throat and pushes her back into the wall.

"You will obey me."

"Or what?"

"Trust me, don't want to find out the answer to that question."

"Try me."

"If you insist." Loki let's go of Rhiannon and she drops to the floor. As she gets up to try to and escape, he stops her and points the scepter at her chest.

She closes her eyes and tries to fight against the energy from the scepter. Right as it's about to fully take over she hears a voice calling out to her. The same one she heard back at the research facility.


She gasps as she feels a weight being lifted off of her and her eyes fly open. Loki stares at her with wide eyes as he observes her eyes now glowing a bright orange instead of blue.

 Loki stares at her with wide eyes as he observes her eyes now glowing a bright orange instead of blue

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"How..." He starts to say, but is cut off when the stone in the scepter starts to wiggle.

Both Loki and Rhiannon watch as the stone dislodges from the scepter and floats in the air between them.

"What are you doing?"

Loki let's go of the scepter and starts to back away from it slowly. "I'm not doing anything."

Suddenly the blue stone shatters into a bunch of tiny pieces, revealing a small yellow stone in its place.

Suddenly the blue stone shatters into a bunch of tiny pieces, revealing a small yellow stone in its place

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Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now