Chapter 29

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Rhi hears someone clear their throat. "Five more minutes." She mumbles.

"Shhh, go back to sleep, love." Loki mumbles back as he pulls her closer to him.

She hears the person clear their throat again. Realizing it wasn't Loki, Rhi tightens the blanket around herself and sits up with wide eyes.

"Thor! You're back!"

Upon hearing his name Loki sits up quickly as well. "Haven't you ever heard of knocking."

"Hello to you too, brother...Rhiannon." Thor says as he looks at them with a big smile on is face.

"So..." He points between the two of them. Rhi looks away as she feels her face heat up from blushing. "I see"

Loki uses his magic to dress himself and Rhi. "What's so important that you needed to come wake us so early?"

Thors face turns serious. "It's father." Loki tenses. "He knows you're alive and has sent me to bring you back to Asgard."

Rhi gets up from the bed. "How did he find out?"

Thor shrugs and Loki mumbles something under his breath.

Rhi turns back towards him. "What?"

Loki sighs. "He sensed a frost giant's presence suddenly appear here on Midgard and must've figured out it was me."

Thor looks surprised and gestures to Rhi. "You told her?"

Rhi nods to confirm. "I've known for a while now. Last night, was just the first time I saw it in person." She turns back to Loki. "This is all my fault, if I didn't ask-"

Loki stands up, walks over to her and kisses her forehead. "The fault is mine. I should've known my Jotun form would've given me away."

"What happens now?" Rhi asks.

"Father wishes to immediately send you to the axe."Rhi tenses. "However, I informed him of your good deeds here in Midgard, so he's allowing you to stand trial first."

Loki rolls his eyes. "You and I both know that's just for show. He's already made up his mind and won't listen to what I have to say."

"Then I'm coming, too!"

"No." Loki and Thor answer at the same time.

"Best case scenario he puts you in the dungeons and then what? You expect me to just...stay here and be all alone again?"

Thor chimes in and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You wouldn't be alone. You have your father, along with Wanda and Natasha for support. Plus, I'm sure we can talk father into letting you visit or even stay on Asgard if you'd like."

Rhi looks back at Loki. "You know that's not what I mean when I say alone."

"I know, my love. But what would you have me do?"

"Let me come with you. If he agrees, I'll pretend to be with Thor, as not raise any suspicion to us or our bond."

Loki's eyes flash with jealousy. "Absolutely not."

Rhi chuckles to herself. "Relax mischief, I still belong to you. However, being Thor's "girlfriend" along with my history working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and being a half elf princess, should give me enough leverage to be a character witness for you."

"That just might work." Loki says aloud.

"What might work?" Thor asks

Rhi informs him of the plan. "What do you think?"

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now