Chapter 17

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Unable to sleep with Nat's words echoing in her mind, Rhi sneaks down to the underground cells to have a talk with Loki. Making sure to use her magic to shield herself from the cameras.

Once down there, she sees Loki, laying down on a cot in the corner. He looked to be sleeping, so she decides to head back up. But before she could walk away, Loki speaks up.

"Not many people can sneak up on me."

"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you, just avoid the cameras." She takes down her illusion and looks down at her tracker bracelet. "Then again, with this thing on, I don't think it matters."

"Your magic needs work, it's mediocre at best." Loki says as he sits up.

Rhi teleports inside his cell. "I'd say I'm doing pretty good for not having anyone around to help me." Loki just rolls his eyes in response.

"So, where did you go after you left me?"

Loki shrugs his shoulders. "Here and there." Rhi scoffs at his response.

"We need to talk."

"What's there to talk about?"

"Let's start with, why you came back."

He gets up and walks towards her. "I already told you, to save your life."

"What happened to, I'm leaving and you'll never see or hear from me again?" She says mocking his voice.

"I simply healed you so I didn't have to feel you dying."

Rhi thought back to when she felt him get stabbed in the chest. "Fair enough. But, how did you even get here so fast? I thought you couldn't teleport between realms or planets without a portal."

"Apparently, as long as I can pinpoint your energy through our connection, I can teleport to wherever you are. I assume the same works in reverse."

"Interesting..." Rhi pauses for a moment before hesitantly asking, "So...why did you really leave?" Loki doesn't say anything and turns away from her but she turns him back around. "It was because of my vision, wasn't it?"

He pulls away and walks to the other side of his cell and lets out a deep sigh. "Yes."

"We don't even know if the vision will come true or not. Nothing, is set in stone."

He bangs his fist against the cell wall. "It was probably my fault why he got to us in the first place. He was after the tessaract and I led him right to us!"

Loki walks back over to his cot and sits down with his head in his hands. "No matter what I do, I seem to ruin everything and the people I ca-" He pauses to clear his throat. "The people around me, either get hurt or wind up dead."

Realization comes over Rhi. "You left to try and protect me...didn't you?" He doesn't say anything, which only ignites her anger. "You know, you could've just said that!"

"Say what exactly!?" Loki stands up and walks back towards her. "That it was probably my fault that he found us? That I'm afraid to face the mad titan again? Or, the fact that you switched our places when I was the one, who was meant to die!" He grabs her shoulders and looks at her desperately. "Why did you have to switch our places!? Why couldn't you just LET. ME. DIE!?"

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now