Chapter 30

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Rhi clutches Thor's arm a bit tighter as they approach the throne room.

Thor place his hand over hers for comfort. "Relax Rhiannon. If you were able to convince Fury and the team to give Loki a chance, I'm sure you'll have no issue with convincing my father."

"I think I'd rather face the team again than the ruler of the nine realms."

They walk into the throne to see Odin waiting for them.

When they arrive in front of him, Thor kneels and crosses one of his arms over his chest

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When they arrive in front of him, Thor kneels and crosses one of his arms over his chest. "Father."
Odin nods so Thor rises and gestures to Rhi.
"May I introduce my companion, Rhiannon Fairweather, half-elf of Midguard.

She bows her head and curtsies. "Allfather"

"Half-elf?." Odin asks.

"Yes. My father is human and my mother was a light elf. You would've known her as Aelsa Featherwine."

Odin widens his eye in surprise. "I did not know the Queen of the Light Elves had a daughter."

"She was believed to have been killed by Malekith of the dark elves. However, she survived and eventually made her way to Midguard where she stayed until her untimely death almost 5 years ago."

"My condolences."

"Thank you, All father." Rhi says as she bows her head.

Thor chimes in. "Rhiannon is here to speak on behalf of Loki's character at his trial."

"Is she now?" Odin now eyes her suspiciously. "What makes you think you are qualified to do so?"

"Back on Midguard, I was put in charge and made responsible for Loki, since I could read his mind and track his presence, thanks to my magic. He and I were also partners for the organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. where we worked as spies, to gather intel. It is because of this, I believe I can give testimony as to Loki's change of character and behavior."

Odin thinks to himself for a moment. "Very well. The trial will take place tomorrow afternoon. You're dismissed."

"Thank you, Allfather." Thor and Rhi say unison before they make their way out of the throne room.

Once the doors close Rhi let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. "That was...terrifying."

"You did great!" He pats her shoulder. "A natural even. Come, I will show you where you will be staying and then I'll give you a tour."

"Actually." She pauses to make sure no one was around. "I was thinking I could go visit Loki, down in his cell."  Rhi whispers.

"Alright," Thor starts but the chuckles when Rhi teleports herself right outside Loki's cell.

Being able to instantly feel her presence, Loki gets up and moves towards the glass cell wall.

"There you are." He smiles and places his hand on the glass.

Rhi places her hand on the glass over Loki's hand and takes down her illusion. "I can't stay too long."

"I know."

"Is he going to let you testify at my trial."

Rhi nods her head. "It'll be tomorrow afternoon."


"Loki? What if..." She trails off as tears start to form in her eyes.

Loki let's out a deep sigh. "If that does happen. I don't want you to mourn for me. I'd want you to move happy, and live your life."

"Loki..." Rhi breaths

"Promise me...please." Loki pleads

"I promise..." She whispers, tears stream down her face as she desperately wishes she could into go into his cell and hold him.

"The guards will be making their rounds soon. You should go."

Rhi nods and places an illusion back over herself before rushing out of the dungeons and bumping into Thor.

"Rhiannon?" Thor questions as he hears her footsteps rushing past him. "Rhiannon, wait!"

She hears Thor yell behind her. But she just keeps running until she finds herself outside the palace in the garden where she sits on a bench she finds. A few moments later, Thor finds her.

"May I join you?"

She nods her head and Thor joins her where they sit in silence for a bit.

She wipes away the rest of the tears that were streaming down her face. "Thor?"


"Promise me something?"

"Of course." He smiles.

"When the times comes... She looks up at Thor who was now taken slightly aback at her glowing orange eyes and magic aura around her. "Make sure, you stay out of my way."


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter starts the trial so it should be a long one

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now