Chapter 10

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Rhi quickly let's go of Loki's hands and takes a few steps back.

"Did it work?" Loki inquires.

"I-I I'm not sure." Could she call what she saw a vision of the future? She was suppose to look into Loki's future but she saw...hers? Unless...

"Well, what did you see?"


"Miss Rhiannon."

Rhi let's out a deep sigh. "Yes, J.A.R.V.I.S?"

"Your father would like to have a word with you and your...friend in the lab."

"Thanks, J.A.R.V.I.S. Tell him we'll be there in a bit." Rhi slowly turns her attention back towards Loki.. "My dad is waiting for us, so we should get going."

Loki eyes her suspiciously as she starts rushing out of the library and towards the elevator.

*  *  *

"Hey Dad, what's up?"

Tony turns around with his arms crossed. "A little birdie tells me you have a friend staying with you on your floor."

She glanced over at Bruce, who quickly looks away. "I there a problem?"

"No. At least, not yet anyway." He says as he winks at her and turns to Loki. "Logan, was it?"

"Yes. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stark."

"Please, call me Tony. That accent is interesting. Where are you from?"

"England, sir."

"I thought you and Rhi were high school buddies."

"We were, I did and exchange program my senior year, to see what school in America was like.
While I was here, Rhiannon was kind enough to befriend me when no one else would." Loki says while placing an arm around her shoulder and lightly smiling at her.

"Where did that story come from?"

"I figured Stark would want to ask me some questions, so I came up with it on the way here."

"Right." Tony says as he eyes them suspiciously. He then picks up his tablet and starts typing. "Last name?"


"What? I run backround on everyone."

"I hope you can create a backround story for yourself online, using that magic of yours."

"Yes, it'll just take me a minute."

"I'll stall for as long as I can."

She sees a green shimmer surround Loki's hand as he places it behind his back so he can do the spell he needs to.

"Dad, you don't need to run a backround on Logan. He's my friend." She pauses to look up at him. "And, I trust him." Loki looked back at her shocked.

"I know I don't have to, but I'm going to. My tower my rules." He turns back to Loki. "Last name, please?"

Loki's magic fades. "Uh Lewis, sir."

Tony types on his tablet and pulls up some info.
"Let's see...grew up in England...adopted from
Greenland as an infant..." He pauses to scroll down a bit further. "I see you just graduated from Oxford with a bachelor's in English literature, congrats."

"Really? Oxford?"

"Oh hush."

"Thank you, Tony."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now