Chapter 12

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Before she can question him further, Loki starts walking back towards the lake and takes off his clothes.

She quickly averts her eyes. "Loki! What are you doing?"

"Going for a swim."

She hears Loki splash in the water and looks back up. "Did you have to take off all your clothes?"

"How else do you expect me to swim?"

Rhi chuckles. "I don't know, maybe with a swimsuit on?"

"In Asgard, we just swim in the nude."

"I can see that."

"Come join me, the water is nice." He says as he swims outs further.

"I don't have a swimsuit, so I think I'll pass."

"Then swim naked with me."

"No way!"

"Don't make me come over there and throw you in."

"You wouldn't." Rhi challenges. Loki smirks and suddenly disappears from the lake.

Where did he...

"Didn't I already warn you not to tempt me, love?" Rhi shuts her eyes and freezes in place as she feels Loki whisper in her ear from behind. She then begins to feel him slowly wrap his arms around her.

Rhi quickly moves away from him. "Ok ok, I'll come in!"She opens her eyes as she feels Loki teleport away from her. "But you have to turn around, first."

"Fine." He says as he rolls his eyes and turns around as requested.

Rhi undresses and hesitantly walks into the water, until she's about chest deep.

"Are you not going to come out further?"

"I uh, can't swim." She says nervously.

"You come to a lake to relax, yet you've never swam in it before?"

"I usually just stick my feet in, or only go waist deep."

"I can take you deeper, if you'd like." He says as he starts swimming closer to her.

"I don't know..." Rhi says nervously as she attempts to cover herself.

"I won't bite...unless you ask me to." He winks and holds out his hands for her.

She chuckles and grabs his hands. He pulls her out to the deeper water and tows her around for a bit.

"See, it's not so bad. Now try to keep yourself floating. All you have to do is kick your feet and move your arms around, like I do. Ready?"

"Not really." Scared of letting go, Rhi tightens her grip.

"I won't let you drown. I promise."

She nods her head and he lets go. At first, Rhi thrashes her arms around for a bit, but then after a little bit, she gets the hang of it.

"There you go! Now swim back towards me."

She does and when she gets close, she wraps her arms around Loki's neck and he pulls them around in the water.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"For teaching me how to swim."

He chuckles to himself. "It's me who should be thanking you, mitt vakre lys."

"Is that, Asgardian?"

He stops swimming and clears his throat. "Uh, yes."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now