Chapter 21

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Ignoring her father's protests, Rhi boards the quinjet with the rest of the team. Pietro very graciously offered a seat next to him, but Loki wouldn't stop hissing when she got near him, so instead she found a spot away from everyone, towards the back of the craft.

After a few minutes in the air, Loki notices Rhi seems distant. "Everything alright?"

"I'm fine. I just never flown before, so I'm a little nervous."

"The arrowhead seems like a more than capable pilot."

Rhi chuckles. "His name is, Clint." She then feels a gaze on her and looks up to see Wanda looking at her suspiciously, trying to read her mind again. "I think Wanda can sense you, she seems suspicious."

"I'm not surprised. I can sense a strong magical energy coming from the little witch."

"Witch? I thought her powers came from the mind stone."

"Like us, it's possible that she could have some of the mind stones energy inside of her. However, what lies in her is something just as, if not more powerful than the mind stone itself."

"Cool. I'm going to go talk to her."

"You will not, she's dangerous. Her magic is chaotic and unstable."

"I like taking risks, remember? Besides, it looks like she could use a friend."

She gets up and walks over to Wanda "May I?"

Wanda doesn't respond but nods her head and Rhi holds out her hand to Wanda as she sits down.

"Rhiannon, but you can call me Rhi."

Wanda eyes her suspiciously at first but then reluctantly returns the gesture and shakes Rhi's hand and smiles.


Once Wanda's hand makes contact with her, Rhi opens a telepathic link to let Wanda inside her mind. She feels Wanda work through her mind as Rhi does the same to her.

In Wanda's mind, she sees her and Pietro, as kids, trapped in some rubble staring at a bomb from Stark Industries that's armed, but never goes off. Then, her and Pietro joining a rebellion followed by them volunteering for Strucker's experiments with Loki's scepter.

In her mind, Rhi showed Wanda her mother, the crash, and her and Loki getting blasted by the mind stone. However, she doesn't show her anything about her and Loki's bond.

"Next time you want to see inside my head, all you have to do is ask."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time."

They both giggle as Rhi disconnects the link.

"Are you going to introduce me to your little friend?" Wanda whispers as she points to Rhi's sleeve.

Rhi looks over her shoulder to make sure no one is looking and raises her arm a bit as Loki pokes his head out of her sleeve a bit.

"Aw, he's so cute." She says as she goes to pet him but Loki hisses her away.

"Sorry, he doesn't like being called cute."

"Be nice, I like her." Rhi says as she glares at Loki

"I don't like being called cute."

"Fine, then you're adorable." She says as she tickles under his chin. Loki hisses again and tucks back into her sleeve.

"That's Loki, isn't it?" Wanda whispers.

Rhi places a finger over her lips to indicate to keep it a secret. Wanda smiles and nods her head in response.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now