Chapter 7

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"How the hell did you get in here!?"

"I teleported." He says matter of factly. "Now, if you don't mind..." He gestures down to his chest.

Rhiannon looks down to where Loki was pointing and sees that his hands are covered in blood. She quickly grabs a towel and rushes over to him to inspect the wound and apply pressure in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Loki, this is really bad...I'm going to call Bruce so he can help."

She goes to stand, but Loki grabs her arm. "Are you mad?"

"Well, I don't know what else to do! I don't have enough first aid knowledge to treat a wound this size."

"You have magic. Use it to heal me."

"Don't you think if I knew how, I would've done it already!?"

"Calm down, there's no need to shout."

If he wasn't currently bleeding out on her floor she'd give him a piece of her mind. But at the rate he was bleeding it wouldn't be long until...

Crap! Come Rhi, focus.

She closes her eyes to think and focus her on her magic.

Ok, magic is just energy. And to heal, Loki needs energy, and lots of it. That means, I should be able to just give him some of my energy, right?

Rhiannon presses her hands against Loki's wound, causing him to groan. "Ready?" Loki nods his head in response and Rhi focuses on taking her magic and pushing it into Loki.

But instead of seeing the orange color of her magic energy, she sees the yellow energy of the mind stone taking over her body.


She focuses harder to keep pushing the energy into him and can feel Loki's energy getting stronger and the wound is starting to close.

"Just...a little...more..." She says breathlessly as she starts to feel herself getting weaker. "There."

With the wound completely closed she leans back against the wall to try and catch her breath and turns her head towards Loki.  "You says, thank you...when..." Too weak to finish her sentence, Rhi ends up passing out from exhaustion.

* * *

A few hours later, Rhi wakes up in her bed instead of the bathroom floor.

"Well, it's about time."

She sits up and is taken back a bit when she notices Loki sitting at her desk and reading a book.

"You're still here?"


"I figured you'd be long gone by now."

Loki closes the book he was reading and places it back on her desk while clearing his throat. "Yes well...I needed for a bit before I took off."

"And you carried me to my bed after I passed out?"

"I was just simply returning the favor."

"Thanks. I guess that makes us even now."

Loki nods his head, stands up, and starts walking towards the door. That's when Rhi noticed he still looked pretty worn down and was also still wearing his torn, blood covered armor from earlier.

"There's no rush." She says as Loki stops and looks at her a bit surprised. "You're more than welcome to clean up a bit first, and maybe have a bite to eat, if you'd like."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now