Chapter 28

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Unfortunately, a few days quickly turned into a week, as intel from S.H.I.E.L.D. reported that Runlow's ship would be arriving sooner than expected to Lagos and Rhi became busy helping Wanda with some last minute training.

This would Wanda's first mission out in the field, so she wanted to go a few rounds with Rhi with her magic.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Wanda says as she runs towards Rhi, who was now on the ground.

"Holy shit! I swear, your powers are getting stronger." Rhi pants. "You trying to kill me?" She winks.

"I swear, I didn't know that blast was going to be that strong! I'm so sorry!" She cries as she helps Rhi off the floor.

"I'm fine, Wands. Really. Perks of being half elf, is that I'm a lot more durable, so I can take a hit." She laughs and they head out of the training room to the kitchen.

"You sure you can't join us?" Wanda asks.

"I wouldn't mind you tagging along."Pietro winks as he runs in out of no where and grabs her water.

She grabs it back and lightly punches him in the arm. "Yes I'm sure and you guys will do great. You're going to have Nat, Steve, and Sam there with you, what could go wrong?"

*  *  *

After the team took off in the quinjet, Rhi heads back to the training room to try and work on her shapeshifting, with little success.

"Your magic needs work. It's mediocre at best."

"I'd say I'm doing pretty good." Rhi chuckles and quickly teleports behind Loki and taps his shoulder.

He chuckles as he turns around to face her. "You're not focusing your energy properly. Instead of trying to imitate a form, become it."

"I am trying to become it."

"Think of an animal." Loki says as she looks at him confused. "You know I don't like repeating myself, pet."

"Okay okay." Rhi says as she rolls hers eyes. "Got it."

"Good, now close your eyes." He says as he starts walking in a circle around her. "Don't just imagine yourself imitating a it...become it. Feel your pointed ears as it's..." He lightly brushes his fingers along one of her ears. "...and your hair, covering your body as it's fur."

Rhi closes her eyes and feels her magic swirl around her as her body shifts and changes. When she opens her eyes and looks down, instead of feet, she sees the furry paws of a fox.

"I did it!" She says as she jumps on Loki, causing him to fall over.

He laughs. "Now try to use your magic while staying in this form."

Rhi hops off to use her magic and successfully summons it around her paws. For good measure, Loki throws a few energy blasts at her to dodge and block. She blocks most and is able to even shoot some blasts back at him.

"Well done. Now try to change back."

It takes her a few tries, but Rhi manages to change back to herself.

"Thank you."  She smiles

"Speaking of thanks. I wanted to thank you for helping me heat problem. It's not that I couldn't. It's just..." He trails off as he starts to form a little cube of ice in his hands which turns his hands blue. Rhi tries to reach for his hand to comfort him, but he pulls away.

She hated that Loki was still ashamed of his frost giant heritage and has been trying to find a way to help him accept that part of himself.

"I was only able to help because you taught me ice magic. Which, need I remind you, I practically had to beg you to do because you thought it would be useless." She teases and lightly punches him in the shoulder, but he still remains withdrawn so she gets an idea. "Well I need some fresh air. Care for a swim?" She asks as she offers her hand to Loki.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now