Chapter 16

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There he was, the God of Mischief himself. His hair was a little longer from the last time she saw him, it now going past his shoulders and he also looked a little worn down, like he hasn't got a decent nights sleep in forever.

"Loki?" Rhi says breathlessly as she slowly walks towards him.

He looked up at her from the chair he was currently tied to and smirked at her. She stops in front of him and hesitantly pokes him lightly in the chest. This causes Loki to let out a small chuckle.

"So, it really is you."

"In the flesh."

Rhi continues to look down at him as she holds back the tears that we're threatening to fall. She was suppose to never see him again let alone remember their time together. Yet, here he was, right here in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Saving your life. You're welcome, by the way."

Unbeknownst to them, the team had stopped arguing and were currently watching their interaction. A little confused as to why Loki and Rhi were just staring at each other.

"Oh, so now you care?"

"I never stopped caring, mitt vakre lys."


Everyone jumps at her sudden outburst.

"How dare you!" Rhi yells as tears start to roll down her face. "You don't get to call me that anymore!"

Rhi brings her arm back to try and smack him again, but Thor grabs her from behind and starts dragging her away. Rhi pulls at him to try and get free.

"You're a lot stronger than you look, Rhiannon." Thor laughs in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Let. Me. Go!" Rhi uses her magic to break free from Thor's grasp and starts rushing back towards Loki, her magical energy flaring in one hand and a knife she conjured in the other.

Loki's eyes widen. "A little help would be nice."

At this point, she's wasn't sure if she's wanted to drive her knife through his heart or fuck him until she couldn't feel her legs anymore. Before she could decide, Nat jumps in front of her to cut her off.

"Woah there." Nat speaks softly and looks down at Rhi's hands. "I'm going to need you to put those away and calm down."

"Move, Nat." Rhi warns Nat as she raises her hand.

"Do you really wanna go there?" Nat questions sternly.

Rhi let's out a defeated sigh and calms her magic down and makes the knife disappear. "No."

Tony speaks up. "Uh...anyone else like to know what's going on?"

Bruce shyly speaks up. "I'm a little curious myself."

Tony looks over to Rhi. "I sure as hell, would like to know what's going on with you two!" He says while pointing at Loki and her. "And since when do you have powers and...pointy ears!?"

Rhi reaches up to grab her ears and felt that they were pointy. Hitting her head must've caused her illusion over them to fall and she got too distracted by Loki to put it back.

"I'm intrigued as well, since you brother...are suppose to be dead."  Thors says while looking sadly over at Loki.

"It's kinda a long story." She sheepishly says

"We're listening." Tony looks at her sternly

Rhi goes on to explain everything that happened starting with the scepter blasting them, finding out she's half Light Elf, Loki showing up in her bathroom, helping him with his injury, and him helping her with her magic. However, she decides not to mention their connection or the fact that they slept together. She also decided not to mention anything Loki told her about Thanos or his Frost Giant heritage. That part wasn't her story to tell.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now