Chapter 34

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*A year and some months later*

Rhi steps out of the shower and quickly wraps herself in a robe before walking out to the living room where the news is on the television.

"Breaking news this morning. A body was found in an alleyway near the QP Pub in Bucharest. This being the latest victim of the mysterious female vigilante, dubbed by the media as the Vengeful Vixen. She is mostly known for only attacking men with a history of sexual violence."

Rhi cringes internally. Seriously? The Vengeful Vixen?

"Sources say she was an agent of the organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D., and a known associate of the Avengers. We reached out for comment, but have yet to hear back..."

"Ugh, turn that crap off."

She then walks over to the kitchen area to pour a herself some coffee, as she hears the tv being clicked off.

"I know it's you."

"I don't know what your talking about." She says innocently.

"Cut the crap, Rhi." She looks up from her coffee at Pietro, who, since he was still on the run, had now died his silver hair a dark brown and grown out his beard a bit.

" She looks up from her coffee at Pietro, who, since he was still on the run, had now died his silver hair a dark brown and grown out his beard a bit

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"Ok, fine you caught me." She mockingly puts her hands in the air and chuckles.

"You can't keep doing this, you know."

She walks over to him, wraps her arms his neck, and starts playing with his hair. "Aw, are you worried about me."

"I'm serious, Rhi." She rolls her eyes and walks over to the cabinet pulling out a bottle of vodka to pour herself a shot. "It's like 9am."

"So?" She looks up after taking a shot to see him looking at her with concern. "What's your problem?"

"My problem, is your behavior." Rhi scoffs. "It's self destructive, impulsive, and reckless. You keep this up, you're going to wind up dead."

"You didn't seem to have a problem with my self destructive behavior when you were fucking me last night." She takes another shot of the vodka and heads back to the bedroom to collect her things.

Pietro follows behind her and leans against the door frame. "What are you doing?"

"Getting me and my "self destructive behavior" out of here."

He sighs. "You don't have to go." She doesn't respond so he walks up to her from behind and wraps his arms around her. "Stay...please."

She turns around to face him. "I already told you when we met up last night, that this was only going to be a one time thing."

"It doesn't have to be." He gently cups hers face and leans in to kiss her but she pulls away.

"I can't." She whispers.

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