Chapter 20

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Rhi sees the Maximoffs walk in behind Steve, so she conjures her magic ready to defend if needed and looks up at Steve for the okay, but he shakes his head and then looks over at Tony.

"I'm going to say this once." Steve says sternly as he steps towards Tony.

"How about, none-ce?" Tony replies

"What's going on?" Rhi questions

"We're uploading J.A.R.V.I.S. into the regeneration cradle." Bruce answers.

"Shut it down!" Steve yells.

"Nope not going to happen." Tony comes back

"You don't know what you're doing!" Steve says trying to reason with them.

"And you do?" Bruce interjects. "She's not in your head?" He says while pointing at Wanda.

"I know you're angry." Wanda says as she moves forward with her hands up in surrender.

"Oh we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

Steve chimes in again. "Banner? After everything that's happened?"

"It's nothing in comparison to what's coming." Tony says

A blue blur wraps around the machines as Pietro runs around unplugging all of them. He stops and then looks over at Tony. "No no, go on. You were saying?" He says and then turns to wink at Rhi.

Suddenly there's a gun shot and Pietro falls through the floor. Wanda and Rhi step towards where he fell through the floor as they hear Clint say. "What? You didn't see that coming?"

With everyone distracted by Pietro, Tony and Bruce go back to uploading J.A.R.V.I.S. into the regeneration cradle.

Steve throws his shield at it and in response, Tony shoots Steve with one of the reactors from his suit.

Wanda steps forward to help her brother, but Bruce grabs her from behind. "Go ahead, piss me off."

Wanda looks at Rhi for help but she stands there frozen and unsure of what to do as the team continues fighting one another.

Suddenly, Thor comes crashing into the lab and lands on the cradle, causing everyone to stop what they're doing and turn their attention towards him.

Suddenly, Thor comes crashing into the lab and lands on the cradle, causing everyone to stop what they're doing and turn their attention towards him

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Before anyone can say anything, Thor uses Mjolnir to summon lighting and shoot the cradle with it. The cradle then explodes with energy as a red android with a yellow stone on its head flies out of it.

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