Chapter 38

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Loki leads Rhi into the Grandmaster's private seating area at the Contest of Champions and sits with her in his lap again.

"And now without further ado. It's the main event time. Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, and has a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more! See what you think! Ladies and gentleman...I give you...Lord of Thunder!"

The crowd boos as Thor walks out to the battlefield.

"Watch out for his fingers, they make sparks." The Grandmaster adds in.

"Good luck, Thor." Rhi whispers. She then feels a twinge of jealously surge through Loki and decides to have a little fun of her own.

"Thor's a strong fighter. I'm sure he'll have no problem defeating the Grandmaster's champion."

"Yes, I'm sure." Loki says through gritted teeth and tightens his grip on her leash.

"I think I'll even give him a...special reward, for when he wins."

Loki opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off when the Grandmaster starts the next introduction.

"Okay this is it! Let's get ready to welcome this guy! Here he comes...he is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He's undefeated...he's the reigning...he's the defending. Ladies and gentleman...I give you...Your Incredible Hulk!"

"Bruce!" Rhi shouts excitedly but Loki immediately tenses when he sees that the Grandmasters champion is the Hulk.

"Yes!!" Thor cheers and the crowd goes silent

"I have to get off this planet." Loki gets up and starts to walk away, pulling Rhi with him, but before they reach the door, the Grandmaster comes back.

"Hey hey hey. Where are you going?"

Loki sits back down and pulls Rhi back onto his lap.

"Hey we know each other! He's a friend from work! Loki, Rhiannon look who it is!" Thor shouts.

Rhi giggles as she hears Loki groan. To help Loki calm down a bit, she decides to be nice and starts running her fingers through his hair.

As the fight begins, Rhi notices Thor is only trying to defend himself and not give the Hulk any actual blows that are unnecessary.

But that didn't last long as Thor grabs the giant hammer that Hulk was wielding and swings it at him, causing the Hulk to fly across the arena.

Thor then approaches the Hulk very slowly trying to sooth him and bring Banner back out. Unfortunately, Hulk doesn't allow it and instead grabs Thor and thrashes him against the ground. Similar to how he smashed Loki into the ground during the Chitari Invasion.

Loki stands up, knocking Rhi off his lap on his excitement. "Yes! That's how it feels!"

"Hey!" Rhi shouts angrily at him.

Loki looks down at Rhi on the ground, and chuckles helps her back onto his lap.

During the fight, Thor surprisingly shoots a lighting bolt up at Hulk causing the Grandmaster to start getting nervous.

The crowd starts chanting. "Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!"

However, before Thor can get another blow in, the Grandmaster sabotages the fight by setting off Thor's obedience disk, knocking him down and thus allowing the Hulk to give him one final blow to knock Thor out.

*  *  *

"Well Thor's plan is officially off the table. How is yours coming along?"

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