Chapter 31

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After a long night of tossing and turning, Rhi awakens the next morning exhausted and feeling alone.

Her room was right next to Thor's so she wasn't truly alone, of course. However, knowing Loki was alone in the dungeons made her heart ache.

After a quick bath, she gets ready for the day, opting for a simple floor length brownish dress she found in the wardrobe.

After a quick bath, she gets ready for the day, opting for a simple floor length brownish dress she found in the wardrobe

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When she's done, Rhi makes her way to the dinning hall to meet Thor for breakfast.When she enters, Thor rises and meets her halfway to escort her to her seat.

"Good morning, Rhiannon." He smiles

"Morning, Thor."

"Sleep well?"

"Not really. Don't get me wrong, the beds here are super cozy. But, I had too much on my mind last night."

"Come, let me introduce you to everyone." He escorts her over to the table. "Rhiannon meet Sif and the warriors three, Hogan, Volstagg, and Fandral.

 "Rhiannon meet Sif and the warriors three, Hogan, Volstagg, and Fandral

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"Hello everyone." Rhi smiles

Fandral gets up to kiss Rhi's hand. "Thor why have you been hiding this beautiful vision from us?"

Rhi gives him a fake smile as she removes her hand from him. "Our relationship is still in its early stages. Between me living on Midguard and Thor traveling back and forth. We've just been taking things slow."

"Rumor has it you are here to testify at Loki's trial on his behalf." Sif says. Rhi nods as she starts to eat. "What do you gain from helping him?"

"Excuse me?"

"Sif..." Thor warns.

"No, it's ok Thor." She turns back to Sif. "I have nothing to gain. I just simply want to help my friend."

"The trickster has a friend?" Asks Volstagg

"Is that so hard to believe?" Rhi questions back

"Very." Says Hogan.

"Why is that?" Rhi questions while trying to keep her temper at bay.

"Let's see...he lies." Fandral says.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now