Chapter 24

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Rhi stares down Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the man with the eye patch she saw back at the research lab, the first time she astral projected.

"Then tell your agents, to back off!"

Fury narrows his eye at her, but when Rhi shows no signs of backing down, he nods his head and the agents stand down so Rhi puts away her knives

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Fury narrows his eye at her, but when Rhi shows no signs of backing down, he nods his head and the agents stand down so Rhi puts away her knives.

Maria steps forward. "Sir, are you sure that's wise?"

"I think we're good here." He looks at both Loki and Rhi. "Isn't that right?"

Rhi and Loki shot a quick glance at each other before they both nod their heads in agreement and the team files into the conference room to do a mission debrief. However, Rhi couldn't focus on the debrief as she had other things on her mind.

Why did Fury give in so easily?

Seeing her distress, Loki reaches under the table and places his hand on her thigh for comfort. She bites her lip in an attempt to hide her smile. However she feels a gaze on her and looks up to see Fury looking between her and Loki.

He's definitely up to something...but what?

"After we arrive at the new compound..." She hears Steve say as she tunes back into the meeting. "...we should have everything ready to go so Thor, can head back to Asgard with Loki."

Tony stands up. "Absolutely not! He needs to stay here, in a cell, where we can keep an eye on him!"

Thor stands up as well. "Once father knows Loki's death was a ruse, he will want him there to face his punishment."

"Asgard is where he belongs, so that is where he should go." Steve reasons.

"Yeah because that worked out well the first time!" Tony counters. "He did his crimes to and on the people of Earth, therefore he should be punished ON EARTH!"

"He is coming back to Asgard with me!" Thor says


"ENOUGH!" Rhi shouts as she slams her hands on the table. Everyone quiets down and faces her. "He's not getting locked up in a cell here, nor is he going back to Asgard!"

"What would you suggest we do then, Fairweather?" Fury asks.

She takes a deep breath. "We give him a chance to redeem himself. That is..." She turns to Loki and smiles. "...if he's up for the challenge."

"No chance in hell!" Tony says.

"And why not?" She turns to Wanda and Pietro. "They volunteered themselves for Hydras experiments, and then fought against the Avengers with both Strucker and Ultron. Now they're being welcomed with open arms after helping defeat him and saving their city."

She turns to Thor next. "Thor, you were banished for almost starting a war with Jotenheim, but you were able to redeem yourself and prove yourself worthy of wielding Mjolnir. Steve, who was originally turned down by the military, was later chosen to be injected with the serum and turned into Captain America. Dad, you use to manufacture instruments for war and you Bruce..." She turns to him. "Need I say more?"

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