Chapter 41

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Now back in Asgard, the team splits up. Thor goes to the palace to draw Hela to him and keep her distracted. Val and Bruce stay on the Commodore, now armed with a gun, and Rhi teleports to Heimdall to help him escort the Asgardians to the Bifrost.

Once Rhi and Heimdall reach the bridge, they encounter a large black wolf dog.

Once Rhi and Heimdall reach the bridge, they encounter a large black wolf dog

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"Holy Shit!"

"Go back!" Heimdall yells back at the people.

Everyone starts running back towards the city but stop as they encounter Hela's undead army.

Val and Bruce fly in to try and shoot down the wolf, but it won't go down. So, Heimdall pulls out his sword and Rhi arms herself with her knives and magic, to ready themselves against the giant beast.

Bruce jumps off the ship to attack the dog by turning into the Hulk, but he fails and lands on the bridge.

The wolf moves past Bruce, and towards them. If bullets couldn't stop it, there was no way her and Heimdall could.

"Loki, we could really use your help."

"For Asgard." Heimdall says while nodding at Rhi.

Rhi exhales, "For Asgard," and nods back.

The wolf keeps charging at them until it suddenly stops. Rhi looks behind it to see that Bruce was able to transform back to the Hulk and now had a hold on the wolf by its tail. The Hulk then throws the wolf off of the bridge and they have a battle in the water below.

However, Hela's undead army continued to close in, so Rhi and Heimdall fight them off.

At some point during the fight, Rhi finds herself pinned to the ground with one of the undead hovering over her trying to drive a sword into her chest. She uses her magic to try and push them off, but after already fighting off a significant amount of Hela's army, Rhi was fatigued and struggling.

Suddenly, someone blasts the soilder off of Rhi.

"Thank you." She breaths as she sits up to see who helped her and finds Korg and Miek appear. "How did you..."

Then she feels it...

Looking up, she sees a spaceship come into view and a silhouette she'd recognize anywhere.

"Your savior is here!" Loki shouts as the ships lowers next to the Bifrost bridge.

Loki exits the ship and directs the people to start boarding as he makes his way over to the rest of the group. Rhi stands there in shock as he makes his way over to her and Heimdall.

"You came." She says in disbelief.

"You called." He smiles

"Welcome home." Heimdall says to Loki as he pats him on the back. "I saw you coming."

"Of course you did." Loki then turns to Rhi as they see another wave of Hela's army approach. "Together."

"Together." She smiles back

Loki, Rhi, Val, and Heimdall join up with the Sakaarian gladiators to fend off Hela's army so the Asgardians can board the ship.

As they're fighting, they see a huge lighting strike hit the palace.

Loki smiles as he looks up at Thor summoning lighting. "It's about time."

Using his lighting abilities, Thor strikes down Hela and flies to the Bifrost, taking out most of the army.

With that wave of soilders defeated, Heimdall assists the Asgardians while everyone else regroups.

"You're late." Thor says as he walks over to Loki

"You're missing an eye." Loki responds

Val walks over to join them. "This isn't over." She points to Hela, now on Bifrost bridge, making her way to them.

Loki turns to Thor. "Hit her with a lightening blast!"

"I just hit her with the biggest lightening blast, in the history of lightening. It did nothing."

"We just need to hold her off..." Rhi interjects, "...until everyone's on board."

Thor shakes his head. "It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her, here and now."

"So what do we do?" Val asks

"I'm not doing get help." Rhi and Val look at Loki confused. "I'll explain later."

Thor thinks to himself for a moment. "Asgard is not a place. It's a people. This was never about stopping Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok." Loki and Rhi look at him dumbfounded. "Surtur's crown, it's in the vault. It's the only way."

"Bold move brother. Even for me." Loki says as he's about to take off back to the palace but Rhi stops him.

"Wait!" She holds out her hand. "I'm coming with you." He nods and grabs her hand so they can both teleport to Odin's vault.

Once they're in the vault, Loki heads towards Surtur's crown, stopping when he notices the Tesseract.

"Let's take it." He says to Rhi


Loki shrugs. "Might come in handy later."

Rhi goes for the Tesseract while Loki grabs Surtur's crown and heads towards the eternal flame. Once her hand makes contact with it, she falls into a trance and has another vision. She then gasps and drops it to the Tesseract to the ground. Loki stops in his tracks and turns to her.

"This is it." She's whispers

"What are you talking about?"

Rhi looks down at the Tesseract. "Thanos...the vision I had all those years ago...this is when it happens. Loki if we take that onto the ship he will track us and..." She pauses for a moment. "We have to leave it here, we have to destroy it!"

Loki sighs. "We can't."

"Why not?"

"The Tessaract contains an infinity stone. To be more precise, the space stone.


"The only way to destroy an infinity stone, is with another infinity stone. If we leave it here, it'll remain, even after Ragnarok."

"So, what do we do?"

They think for a moment until Rhi gets an idea. "The Tesseract creates portals, right?" Loki nods. "Then, let's take it with Sakaar."


"Yes, Loki. Us. Think about it. Sakaar, is a far off place that no one knows about. Thanos would never find us there."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." She smiles. "Now hurry up, so we can get out of here."

Loki walks over and places Surtur's crown into the eternal flame. "With the eternal flame, you are reborn."

They watch as the fire demon, Surtur, roars to life.

Rhi grabs the Tesseract again and holds her hand out for Loki. " King?"

Loki smiles at her mischievously as he grabs her hand. "Ready."


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