Chapter 13

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A large purple-ish man grabs me off the ground and slowly drags me towards Loki. I try to break free from his hold but my body is too tired and weak to move.

"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am."

He throws me down in front of Loki and holds up his fist to reveal to himself wearing a gold metal gauntlet containing a purple stone.

He then looks back over to Loki as he grabs a hold of me again. "The Tesseract, or her head. I assume you have a preference."

I pleadingly look into Loki's eyes. "No matter what, you can't let him have it...I'll be fine."

"Don't worry, love, I have a plan."

"Oh, I do. Kill away!" Loki says.

He places the gauntlet against my head and activates the purple stone in it. It's energy courses through my veins, burning me from the inside. I try to use the mind stones power within me to block it, however, the purple stones energy proves to be too powerful, causing me to scream out in pain.

"We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard!" Thor shouts trying to get him to stop.

Loki glances over to Thor, shamefully, and then conjures the Tessaract into his hand.

"Loki, no!"

"Don't fret, our plan may still work."

"You really are the worst, brother." Thor says disapprovingly.

Loki holds up the Tessaract. "I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again."

He removes the gauntlet from my head and drops me down on the ground. I try to get up and go to Loki, but my body won't move. "Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian."

"Well, for one thing: I'm not Asgardian. And for another...we have a Hulk."

Loki dives out of the way as Hulk emerges from the shadows to fight the purple man. A brawl takes place and the Tessaract gets lost amongst the confusion. Loki makes his way over to me to try and discreetly use his magic to heal my injuries.

Thor tries to help Hulk, but another grayish creature binds him to the floor with his powers and picks up the Tessaract.

I see a man, out of the corner of my eye, summon the Bifrost bridge to send Hulk away. But before he can send anyone else, the purple man stops him.

"That was a mistake." He says as he stabs the man who summoned the Bifrost, through the heart.

Thor screams. "You're going to die for that!"

"Shhhh." The grayish creature binds Thors mouth and then bows before the purple man as he holds up the Tessaract to him. "My humble personage... bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp."

He crushes the Tesseract, revealing a blue stone inside of it and places it in the gauntlet next to the purple stone.

"There are two more stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Knowhere."

Loki starts walking towards the creature with the gauntlet.

"Loki, what are you doing?" He doesn't respond, but I see him conjure a small dagger in his hand. "Loki, don't! He's too powerful."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now