Chapter 27

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Rhi wakes up in bed the next morning, head pounding from the sound of their alarm.

"Turn that damned thing off." Loki groans.

"You do it, you're closer." Says horsely

She then hears a small crash and looks up to see Loki flung the clock across the room.

Rhi eventually makes her way to the bathroom closing the door behind her. In the mirror, she notices that she's back to her normal form and her neck is covered in bruises. She attempts to shift back to her mission form and cover the hickies with an illusion, but her head was throbbing too much for her to focus.

"Fuck." She whispers to herself, as the events from the night before flood back into her memories. They did the very thing they promised each other they wouldn't do. Let their feelings get in the way of a mission.

She walks out of the bathroom and attempts to wake up Loki, noticing he's back in his normal form as well.

"Loki!" She tries to shake him awake. "Come on, we need to get up."

He doesn't move and only groans in response, so she picks up a pillow and whacks him with it. "Rumlow is leaving soon. We need to go!"

He groans again as he sits up. When he sees Rhi back in her normal form and the marks on her neck, his eyes widen but before he can say anything, she stops him.

"Let's worry about it, later. Right now, we need to go and salvage this mission while we still can. Here."

Rhi grabs his hand so they can activate the mind stones powers within them, a trick they practiced so they didn't have to worry about glowing everytime their skin touched, and healed their hangovers so they could shift back to their mission forms and track Rumlow back down.

After confirming that he and his crew were by the docks getting ready to board, Loki and Rhi head down to a cafe nearby to observe.

"I can't believe you actually danced with him." Loki jokes.

"Please don't remind me." She groans. "I can still feel his energy all over me."

Loki's face then gets serious. "We should talk about last night."

Rhi shrugs. "Things got heated and we were both very drunk. That's all."

She very much wanted to talk about it and maybe even officially move their relationship from friends to...well more.  But she didn't know for sure if Fury was going to really let them be done with their deal.
And the last thing she wanted to do, was to give in to their feelings only to have to put them on pause again. As they proved last night, giving in, even just a little, is only a distraction. One that compromises missions as well as put them both in harms way.


" long do you think it'll take to get to Lagos from here?" Rhi says in an attempt to change the subject.

"I would wager anywhere between 10 to 14 days. Just depends on weather conditions."

"We should probably get a tracker or two on that ship then, just to be safe. Maybe even plant a listening device on Rumlow, so S.H.I.E.L.D. can continue to monitor for intel."

"How do you suppose we plant a device on him? Are you going to rub yourself on him, like some common whore again?" Loki sneers.

Rhi jaw drops at his accusation and throws her drink in his face.

"Maybe I will. And maybe..." She pauses to conjure a few trackers and listening devices. "...I'll even see if he fucks better than you." She bits back and teleports closer to the docks while placing an illusion over herself to make her invisible.

As she walks through the ship placing various trackers and listening devices, she finds Brock's quarters and places a listening device there as well.
When's she's done she teleports back to the room where Loki is waiting.

"How was he?" Loki asks.

"Amazing." She says sarcastically. "In was so good, I might just go back for more." She sneers as she sees Loki clutching his fists. She ignores him and sends Fury a message to update him.

He sends a message back letting them know they are to return to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters as soon as possible, so they gather their stuff and teleport back to Fury at a secure location for a debrief.

*  *  *

"Do either of you wanna explain why there's over $5000 in the expense report from one of the local clubs?" Neither one of the say anything and look down at the floor. "Very well."

He sets down the files and leans back in his chair. "You two have proven yourselves to be quite the assets and even surpassed the expectations of everyone here. Hell, I figured you two would've run off by now. But, here you are."

"Not to push, Sir. But could you get to the point." Rhi says

He chuckles to himself. "You're both free to go."

"Really?" Loki asks as his eyes widen in surprise.

Fury nods his head. "Of course you're more than welcome to continue working for me or maybe even join up with the Avengers if you'd like. But it's up to you."

"Thank you, Sir." Rhi smiles

Fury dismisses them and they teleport back to the compound.


"Don't!" She cuts him off and then walks away and goes to the training room to blow of some steam.

* * *

"Surprised to see you here." Nat says as she walks into the room.

"What do you mean?" Rhi asks as she continues to throw knives at a target.

"Don't you and Loki usually hangout together after a mission?"

"Yeah, well...I didn't really feel like it this time."

"Do I need to kill him?" She teases

"If anyone is going to have the pleasure of doing so, it's going to be me." Rhi says as she uses her magic to blow up the target while Nat eyes her suspiciously. "What?"

"Sweetie, what happened?"

"I'll tell you...just not here." She grabs Nat's hand and teleports them to her room, then uses her magic to place a sound barrier it.

"That bad?"

"Well..." She then goes on to explain everything that happened. Their teasing, how drunk they got, Rumlow, and how she brushed off their feelings, and the accusations Loki made.

"You didn' know, with Rumlow?"

"Oh god no! I only said that because I knew it would piss him off."

"Well it worked."

"I know..." She groans and plops down on the bed. "A little too well, I think. Everything is all messed up now."

Nat places a comforting hand on Rhi's shoulder. "Go talk to him."

"I wouldn't even know where to start or if he'll even listen."

"If he loves you as much as you love him, he will."

Rhi eyes widen in shock when Nat mentions love. "Nat, how..."

"Spy, remember?" Nat winks. "Besides, I see the way you two are around one another. Even if you're not ready to admit it to each other or's love." She reaches over and embraces Rhi in a tight hug.

"Now go get him."

"I will." Rhi smiles. "But, I think I'll wait a few least until we've both calmed down a little more."

"Fair enough." Nat says as she walks out of Rhi's room.


Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now