Chapter 26

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"Yes please, I'm starving." Rhi looks down at their sweat covered clothes. "But we need a shower first...dibs!" She then goes to get up, but Loki grabs her from behind.

"Or we can conserve water and shower together."

She quickly turns around and playfully smacks his forehead. "Nice try, mischief."

He shrugs his shoulders and plops back down on the bed as Rhi heads into the shower first, but then stops.

"Come on."

Loki instantly gets up and starts walking towards her with a dark look in his eye, but she holds up her hand to stop him.

"But only if you behave." He gives her an annoyed look. "You know we shouldn't do anything...showering together is already pushing it."

"I know." He sighs and they head into the shower.

To distract themselves from doing anything sexual, they go over the mission details. Like how the mission has gone so far, what they've could've done better, etc. while they wash each other.

"What about Rumlow?" Rhi says as she finishes up rinsing the soap out of her hair. "Fury said he wants us to keep tabs on him until he and his crew leave."

"We still have a lock on his energy, so we can track him down later."

"True, but still. I don't want to mess this up since it's our last mission."

"I highly doubt Fury is truly going to let us go."

"I believe, he's a man of his word."

"You have too much faith in people."

"And you, don't have enough." She says as she reaches behind Loki to turn off the water and grabs their towels.

As they're getting ready, Loki, who's already dressed in a lightweight black button up shirt and slacks, walks up behind Rhi as she's about to put on some makeup and kisses her on the cheek.

"You don't need that stuff you know."

She playfully pushes him away. "I know, but it's fun to wear, and put on."

"How is almost stabbing yourself in the eyeball, fun?" Rhi starts to form a mischievous look on her face as she comes up with an idea. "I don't like that look. What are you up to?"

Rhi gets up and motions to the chair for Loki. "Sit down and I'll show you."

"Absolutely not."

"Pretty please." She says as she looks up at him with doe eyes, knowing he can almost never say no when she does that.

He rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Once he's in the chair, Rhi, still in her robe, straddles his lap. "Now, close your eyes." He does and Rhi reaches for her makeup, "accidentally" grinding on him in the process, causing Loki to groan.

"Oops." She giggles before proceeding to give him a simple makeup look.

"Ta-dah! What do you think?" She says as she holds up a mirror. He grabs it to inspects her handy work.

" it." He smiles.


"And...I'll admit it was a little fun."

"See." Rhi goes to get off his lap, but Loki grabs her hips to hold her in place.

"What are you..." She starts but she trails off into a light moan when he starts to move her hips so that she's grinding against him.

Loki, then digs his fingers into her hips more as he leans down and starts kissing up and down her neck, causing Rhi to grip his shoulders and pull him closer.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now