Chapter 45

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On the battlefield, Steve, Nat, and T'Challa walk to barrier to try and talk with Midnight and Cull Obsidian, another one of Thanos' "children" Rhi recognized from the attack on the ship.

"They surrender?" Bucky asks as the group rejoins them.

"Not exactly." Steve says

As the team start preparing and hyping themselves up for the fight, a hoard of lizard-like alien creatures start to attack the Wakandan barrier.

Eventually, some the creatures start slowly making their way through the barrier while a different group of them start moving along the sides of the barrier.

"Cap..." Bruce, who was now in Tony's Hulkbuster armor suit since Hulk wouldn't come out, starts."...if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us. There's nothing between them and Vision."

"Then we better keep them in front of us." Steve says

"How do we do that?" Okoye, one of the Dora Milaje, asks. 

"We open the barrier." Answers T'Challa, before giving the order to open a small section of the barrier.

The team charged forward as the barrier opens and the lizard creatures start flooding in.

Thanks to infusing her magic with Hofund, Rhi was able to easily help the team take out the first wave of the lizard creatures.

Unfortunately for them, Thanos' army had plenty more to spare and quickly proved to be overwhelming for most of the team. Including Rhi, as she now found herself on the ground surrounding herself with a magical shield, as a pile of lizard creatures were trying to break through it.

Sudden a beam of bright light crashes to Earth and an axe charged with electricity flies out and takes out the remainder of the current wave of aliens.

When the bright light fades away, the axe flies back to Thor as he emerges with what looks like a raccoon and a tree.


Upon seeing him, Rhi immediately rushes over to him to wrap him in a big hug. When she pulls away she lightly smacks him on the chest. "What took you so long?"

"Apologies, I needed a new weapon." He says as he shows off his axe.

"Impressive." Rhi says as she looks it over. "Who are your new friends?"

"This is my friend tree." Thor points to the humanoid tree.

"I am Groot." The tree smiles

"I am Rhiannon." She smiles back

"And this creature is...uh..."

"Rockets the name." Says the raccoon as he approaches Rhi.

"If you all are done, we got more incoming." Says Bucky.

Everyone regroups as another wave of lizard creatures runs towards them.

Pietro runs up next to her and takes out an alien that was coming at her from behind as she decapitates one in front of her.

"Thanks." She breaths out

Before he could answer, the ground suddenly starts to rumble as giant mechanical wheels with razor sharp edges emerge from underground and start heading towards the team.

"What the hell are those?" Pietro shouts.

"I don't know, but you should get out of here!"

Pietro nods and runs off as Rhi braces herself and uses her magic to stop the wheels.

"Ahhh!" Rhi struggles to hold back the wheels as her body is exhausted from all the fighting. "Guys! I don't know how much longer I can hold these things off! Fall back!" She shouts over the comms.

Right as she's about to lose her hold on them, she sees a flash of red out of the corner of her eye as the wheels start to lift from the ground.

"On three!" Wanda shouts "One...two...three!"

Rhi and Wanda use their combined magic to throw the wheels back, simultaneously destroying them and taking out most of Thanos' army in the process.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye says in disbelief with a little bit of anger mixed in as she gestures to the destruction.

"What are you doing here!" Rhi angrily shouts at Wanda. "I told you to stay in the lab!"

"Sorry, it looked like you needed my help."

"I would've been fine! Now Vision's-" Rhi cuts herself when she remembers what's about to happen. "I need to go!"

"Rhi wait!" Nat start but she doesn't finish as Rhi immediately teleports herself to the lab right as Corvus Glaive is starting his attack.

"Shuri!" She yells.

Shuri looks over her shoulder with a panicked look on her face. "Keep going! I'll hold him off!"

Shuri nods and continues as Rhi charges forward and begins her duel with Glaive.

"I thought you would be a more formidable opponent." Glaive sneers as he finally stabs Rhi in the side, returning the favor of the wound she gave him back in Edinburgh before throwing her out the window.

Exhausted and depleted of her magic, Rhi hits the ground with full force.

"I failed..." She thinks to herself as she feels herself slowly fade away into unconsciousness.

However, right as she's about to fully pass out, Rhi sees a flash of green appear next to her followed by a warm tingling sensation flow through her.

"Loki?" She strains as she tries to sits up.

"In the flesh." He smiles as he wraps his arms around her.

"You're late."

"You didn't exactly make it easy for me to find you again, my love." Loki says softly as he pulls her in tighter.

"No..." Rhi says as she pulls away. "I mean it's too late. He won..."

Loki looks down at her with a confused look which quickly turns to sadness, and then rage as he watches Rhi fade away into dust.


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