Chapter 15

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Rhi walks into the party and looks around for Nat, giggling a bit when she finally spots her behind the bar, making drinks and talking with Bruce.

Nat notices her and starts making her way over to meet her half way and to hand her a cocktail. Rhi takes the drink and weaves her arm around Nat's to pull her closer. "What was that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Nat says nonchalantly as she takes a sip of her drink.

Rhi gives her a knowing look. "You were just totally flirting with Bruce. Weren't you?" She notices Nat slightly blush. "You like him don't you?" Nat doesn't answer. "Omg! you-"

"Shhhh!" Nat pulls her off to the side. "Okay okay I like him. Will you keep it down, please?"

"Chill, I'm not going to tell anyone. Especially when you're keeping my big secret." She says as she shoots back her drink and grabs another from a waiter walking by.

"Woah, slow down there."

"What? It doesn't affect me, remember?"

Nat laughs. "Come on, he's here." She drags Rhi over to the pool table, where Steve was playing pool with Sam, the guy Nat wanted her to meet.

 As they approach, Rhi locks eyes with Sam as he smiles at her and holds out his hand to shake

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As they approach, Rhi locks eyes with Sam as he smiles at her and holds out his hand to shake.
She uses that as an opportunity to discreetly use her magic to get an overall feel for him.

She could sense that he was similar to Steve in their values, as they both served in the military and like to help people. But unlike Steve, she could tell Sam was a little more laid back and had a very strong sense of humor.

"You must be Rhiannon. Nice to meet you, finally."

Rhi blushes slightly as Sam smiles at her. That was a smile that could melt any girls heart. "Rhi is just fine. I hope Nat hasn't said too much about me." She winks at Nat.

"Just how stubborn you are." Nat says as she playfully elbows Rhi.

"Wanna play a round with us?" Steve asks, gesturing at the pool table."

"Sure." Rhi says as she grabs a pool cue.

"Prepare to lose, boys." Nat teases.

As the party continues, Sam and Rhi seem to be hitting it off well. They have drinks together, talk, and even ended up dancing with one another. After the party, Rhi offers to walk with Sam to his car.

"So, will you be joining the Avengers?"

"I'm still thinking it over. But now I have a little more incentive to join." He says as he winks at her. Rhi blushes and playfully shoves into him. "Maybe when I'm back in the neighborhood, I can take you out for dinner? Make it a date?"

Sam was turning out to be a great guy, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to pursue anything more than a friendship with him.

"I don't's not you! You've been great! Really. I just-"

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