Chapter 9

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"What is he doing here?"

"He, saw me almost pass out yesterday because of you, and is here to check on me."

"Well, get rid of him."

"Chill out, ok? He doesn't even know it's you."

"Hey Bruce!" Rhi says as she gives him a hug. "This is Lo...gan. We...uh...went to school together..."

"Logan? Really?"

"It was the first name I could think of that sounded like yours. Now, shut up!"

"...I offered him a place to stay while he was back in town, so he didn't have to stay in a hotel."

Bruce looks at her suspiciously and reaches out his hand to Loki to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Logan."

Loki shakes his hand. "Like wise."

After a little bit of an awkward silence Rhi speaks up. "Well, shall we?" She says as she gets the library opened up and then turns to Loki. "Feel free to roam around...Logan."

Loki simply nods his head and starts walking up and down the aisles. Bruce starts checking Rhi's vitals. He keeps quiet but she can feel that he wants to ask her something.

"Just ask already."

"So...Logan is staying in your apartment?"

Rhi rolls her eyes. " the spare bedroom."

"And he's..."

"Just a friend, Bruce."

He laughs. "Ok, ok just checking."

Rhi decided to change the subject. "So, am I going to live, Doc?"

"All your vitals look normal. Just make sure you remember to eat today, ok?"

"Will do. Thanks, Bruce."

He packs up his stuff and leaves for the lab. Loki teleports in front of Rhi making her jump a little bit.

"Took him long enough. Now, ready to help me find that spell?"

"Nice try." Rhi says as she lightly smacks his arm. "You're teaching me magic first, remember?"

"Let's go then." Loki goes to grab her hand but she pulls away.

"Ah ah ah. I have work to do first." She says as she points at the pile of books and papers on her desk.

"That can wait."

"No, my work responsibilities come first."


"But...if you help me, it'll go by faster." Rhi says with a smirk. Loki eyes her suspiciously but she continues on. "And the faster I get this done, the sooner you can show me some more magic, and the sooner you get your portal spell and get out of here."

He keeps his eyes narrowed but chuckles at her cleverness. "Alright then, what can I do?"

"You can start by helping me re-shelf these books."
She says while she points to the carts of books next to her desk.

Loki waves his hand over the books and in a flash they're gone. "There." He says smugly.

Rhi let's out a small chuckle. "I meant to actually put them away, but I guess that works too."

"Don't worry, they're all properly sorted in their correct place."

"You'll definitely need to show me how to do that."

"It's easy. Now, let's go."

"Wait, we can't just leave the library. But...since no one really comes in here, we should still be able to practice. I do it all the time." She says as she uses her magic to pick up a book and place it on the other side of her desk. She then gets up and leads Loki towards the back of the library.

"Ok, Logan." Rhi says teasingly. "What am I going to learn, first?"

Loki rolls his eyes. "Well for starters, I need to know what you can do."

"Right." Rhi says and then goes on to describe everything she's managed to do with with her magic so far which was only: minor levitation, energy blasts, some shielding, mental manipulation, her intuition, and now healing.

"Tell me more about this, intuition, of yours. Can you see the future with it?"

"No. It's more like...I get...feelings, about things that are going to happen."

"Have you ever tried to look into the future before?" Rhi shakes her head in response. "Then that's what we'll work on first."

"Ok...and how do I that?"

"Close your eyes and focus on me."

Rhi closes her eyes and focuses on Loki's energy but doesn't have any luck.

"Here." Loki holds out his hands for Rhi. "Sometimes having physical contact can help."

Rhi nods her head and takes a hold of Loki's hands. Both of them immediately feeling that familiar surge of energy flowing between them as their hands start to glow bright yellow.

"Now, close your eyes and focus on my energy."

Rhi closes her eyes and focuses. Eventually she's able to fall into a trance as her mind forms a vision.

* * *

I look around at the beautiful garden before me. Only it wasn't filled with ordinary flowers. It was filled with all sorts of plants and flowers that I've never seen before.

I walk towards a patch of sparkling purple flowers. As I reach out to touch one of them, I notice a delicate gold ring with a green stone around my left ring finger.

How did that get there?

Suddenly, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and someone's face muzzle into my neck.

"Miss me?"

That voice...


A/N : Sorry for another short chapter again, but the next few are going to be longer, so brace yourselves

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now