Chapter 42

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Rhi opens her mouth to say something, but before she could, Loki tosses the Tesseract off to the side and slams his lips against hers.

She happily kisses him back and wraps her arms around him, and even bites his lip to push her tongue into his mouth.

Loki then picks her up by her thighs and walks them to his bed where he lays her down with him on top and they continue to make out as he starts to grind into her until Rhi pushes him off.


"What troubles you, my Queen?"

Rhi takes a deep breath before continuing. "You've apologized...and I know you truly mean it and regret your actions. But, I don't know if I can be in a relationship with you, if there is even the smallest chance you'll abandon me again. I don't think my heart would be able to handle it again..."

Loki tries to say something but she cuts him off.

"I love you, Loki. Really, I do. But, I need a guarantee. I need to know for sure, without a shadow of a doubt, that you're not going to do something drastic like leave me, or fake your death without at least letting me in on the plan. I need to know that you trust me. That we really truly are in this together. Can you guarantee me that?"

Loki stares at Rhi blankly and doesn't respond.

"I didn't think so." Rhi sighs as she stands up and waves her magic over her.

Loki sits on the bed frozen in shock. "You figured out the energy blocking spell."

She nods and walks over to the Tesseract and picks it up.

"Wait!" Loki gets up and rushes over to her. "What about your vision? You said-"

"Thanos is going to attack that ship, regardless if they have the Tesseract or not.

"So this was a test?" Rhi only nods in response. "I see."

"Goodbye, Loki"

"No! Please!"

In a puff a blue smoke Rhi was on the ship standing in front of Thor.

"Rhiannon!" Thor smiles as he pulls her in for a hug. "Where's Loki?"

"He won't be coming."

"I see." He frowns. "And I also see you have the Tesseract. Why didn't you leave it on Asgard to be destroyed?"

"It wouldn't have mattered." He gives her a confused look so she explains further. "The Tesseract contains an infinity stone, meaning it would've still remained even after Ragnarok, for anyone to take." She pauses to tuck it away. "We can't let Thanos get his hands on it."

"Who is this Thanos?" Thor questions.

"Long story short, he's a mad titan who is after all of the infinity stones. If my visions are correct, he will already have the power stone along with the infinity gauntlet."

Thor widens his eyes. "How long do we have?"

"An hour tops."

Thor thinks to himself for a moment before calling for Bruce, Val, and Heimdall to update them on what's going on.

"What's the plan your majesty?" Heimdall asks Thor.

"We need to start evacuating the ship." Thor starts as he turns to Valkyrie. "Go with them. Set course for Earth."

Val nods and heads off to start the evacuation.

"What about the Tesseract?" Bruce asks.

Rhi thinks about her visions and gets an idea.

"Heimdall you should be the one to hold it."

"Why him?" Bruce asks

"I can't. I'll fold the second Thanos tries to threaten Loki." The group nods in agreement. "The Hulk is too much of a wild card, so sorry Bruce your out of the question. No offense."

He holds up his hands. "None taken."

"As the current King, I should do it." Thor chimes in.

"Thor we all know the second Thanos holds one of us hostage, you'll give in." Thor sighs in defeat as Rhi hands it to Heimdall.  "You're the only one strong enough to do this. If you're up for it."

"It would be my honor." He says as he grabs it and tucks it away.

Rhi turns back towards everyone one else. "I've seen this play out a few different times. Each time has been slightly different, but it always ends the same...people dying and Thanos getting the Space stone. So if you wish to live, this is your last chance to leave."

She pauses to give everyone left a chance to but no one moves or says a word.

"Very well. As I stated earlier, Thanos has the infinity gauntlet. Its specifically designed to harness the power of the stones. Without it, he can't wield the stones power. We have to try and get that matter what."

Rhi pauses again when she suddenly gets a bad feeling again.

"He's here...."

                                        *  *  *

Rhi layed there in defeat, worn down and in pain, Heimdall on one side and Hulk on the other, while Thor were on the other side of the ship, as Thanos made his stupid speech about being inevitable.

She reaches out to Heimdall and grabs his arm to make a telepathic connection. "Take the Tesseract and get out of here. Warn the others."

Heimdall nods and carefully pulls it out. Unfortunately, Thanos spots it and uses the power stone to stop him.

"That was a mistake." He smiles darkly and stabs Heimdall with a spear.

"No!" Tears stream down her face as Rhi, feeling Heimdall's pain as she was still holding his arm.

Thanos grabs the Tesseract and crushes it to remove the Space stone and places it into his gauntlet

"Use the sword." Rhi hears Heimdalls strained words come into her mind. "Summon the Bifrost."


"Dark...magic...." He trails off as Rhi feels his energy fade away and glances over at Thor. Thor, understanding what she needs to do, gives her a nod of approval as he stands and creates a distraction for her.

She grabs the swords, drags herself to the Hulk, and grabs his hand before closing her eyes and focusing her energy.

Allfathers...I know I am not of Asgard, but the universe and its people are in grave danger. Please...hear me, and help me summon the dark magic needed so we can warn the people of Earth.

Rhi suddenly feels an immense amount of energy flow through her as a swirl of rainbow lights start to surround her and Hulk as they are transported out of the ship through the Bifrost.

Unsure of exactly where they were going, Rhi and Hulk hurdle through space until they crash land through an unknown building.

She looks over at Hulk, who was now slowly changing back to Bruce before looking up to see two men staring down at her.

"Thanos...he's coming..." Was all she managed to say just before passing out.


Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now