Chapter 37

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"No one leaves, Sakaar." Loki says.

"What do you mean no one leaves?"

"Uh, may I?" Loki gestures to get up.

"Hmm? Oh, right." Rhi chuckles. "I haven't forgiven you just yet, but you may get up."

Loki gets up and starts pacing around the room. "The Grandmaster doesn't allow anyone to leave. At least not without first fighting his champion. If you win, you can go. Lose...and you're his slave, or rather, a prisoner with a job."

"Who's his champion?"

Loki shrugs. "I haven't seen them yet. But, from what I've heard, he's been undefeated for quite some time."

"Pretty sure I'll be able to take him."

"You can't."

Rhi raises her brow. "So I'm not a perfectly capable fighter, then?"

"It's not that...the fights are rigged. The Grandmasters places what he calls obedience disks on his prisoners and anyone wishing to challenge his champion. The second he thinks you might beat his champion he zaps you."

"Damn." Rhi thinks to herself for a moment and then everything clicks. "142 is a Valkyrie!"


"She was the one that helped my mom escape from the Grandmaster. Maybe she'll help us and even come with us back to Asgard."

"I doubt it." Rhi looks at him confused. I heard the Valkyries all died gruesome deaths. If she's the last one, that means she's here to forget."

"Oh. Well, this place is surrounded by portals. Can't we just find a ship and then fly out of here."

"It's not that simple. The only ships here are the ones the Grandmaster keeps locked in storage. Plus, even if we could open it, undetected, we wouldn't be able to get past his defenses."

"Hmmm, and here I thought you were the God of mischief." Rhi smiles mischievously

"I see what you're trying to do." He eyes her suspiciously

Rhi feigns innocence as she walks over to Loki who was now sitting on the couch. "I have no idea what you're talking about...pretty boy." She coos as she brushes her fingers lightly against his jawline and crouches down to his level. Loki closes his eyes and melts into her touch so she straddles his lap and begins to twirl her fingers in his hair.

"All I'm saying, is that the Loki I know, has a genius level intellect and is a master tactician, so he would have no problem coming up with a plan."

He chuckles at her mischievousness. "Ooo, you're good."

Rhi stands back up and shrugs. "I had a pretty good teacher."

"Alright, you talk to 142 and see if you can convince her to help. We don't need her per-say, but it would help. I'll figure out the rest."

"Sounds like a plan." Rhi starts to head out of the room but Loki stops her. "Move. I need to go find 142."

"You can't. At least not like that." He gestures to her suit.

"Why not?"

"You're suppose to be my pet, remember?"


" need to look the part, or the Grandmaster will get suspicious and melt us both." Loki waves his hands and changes Rhi into a green bralette with a matching skirt that sat very low on her hips.

" Loki waves his hands and changes Rhi into a green bralette with a matching skirt that sat very low on her hips

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Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now