Chapter 40

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Rhi wakes up the next day with her head snuggled against the cool skin of Loki's chest and starts absentmindedly tracing circles along his skin as she thinks about their conversation last night.

It was the first time, in a long time, that she had a decent nights sleep. And, judging by the peaceful look on Loki's face, the same applies to him.

She sighs to herself as she feels his energy flow into her body through her fingers. A feeling she would definitely miss, for after today they would never see each other again.

Perhaps in another universe...

Rhi wipes away the small tear that started forming as she reaches up to kiss Loki softly on the cheek and then gets up to get something to eat.

After rummaging through the cabinets for a bit she lets out a frustrated groan.

"What's the matter?" Loki asks as he wanders into the kitchen area.

"I can't find the coffee." Rhi whines.

Loki laughs, "Here," and then waves his hand and conjures a small jar of instant coffee.

"You're the best." Rhi says as she starts boiling some water.

"I know." Loki says smugly.

"Did you get the codes?" Loki nods. "Ok, good. I'll let Thor know he doesn't have to-" Rhi gets cut off as they hear an alarm go off in the distance. "Never mind..." She chuckles.

"What did the oaf do now?" Loki groans as he changes into his Asgardian leathers.

"It's kinda my fault. I wasn't sure if you were going to be able to get the codes, so I told Thor to see if he could get the Quinjet working." She explains.

Loki rolls his eyes. "He should've waited until after we started the revolution."

Rhi changes into her suit. "Well it's too late now."

Suddenly someone bangs on the door and shouts. "The Grandmaster wishes to see you!"

"Great." Loki groans as he turns to Rhi. "Stay here."

"No, I need to go find Thor!"

"Please, Rhiannon." Loki pleads softly. "Just until after I meet with the Grandmaster."

She huffs and sits down on the couch. "Fine."

"Thank you."

Loki leaves to go see the Grandmaster, leaving Rhi alone with her thoughts.

Maybe when I finally make my way back to Earth, I can track down Vision and see if the mind stone will remove our psychic link, and maybe even the soul bond too.

After all, there won't be any point in keeping it. Then again...I might not need to worry about it at all.

It's very unlikely that we're going to come out of this battle against Hela with our lives. Maybe after he gets back, I should have him place the enchantment over me so he doesn't feel my energy anymore.

That way if I die...what the hell...

Rhi is interrupted out of her thoughts when she suddenly feels Loki getting punched in the face and immediately teleports to where he is.

She finds him laying on the floor, unconscious, with 142 hovering over him.

"What the hell happened!" 142 looks up at her with a face that looks as if she's seen a ghost. Rhi crouches down to her and places a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"The bastard made me relive it." 142 says angrily.

Rhi sighs as she looks disapprovingly down at the still unconscious Loki.

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now