Chapter 33

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"Dead?" She says in disbelief. Thor nods. "What happened? He was fine when I saw him a few hours ago!"

"Rhiannon." Thor says softly. "You were gone for almost three days."

"Three days!" She gasps as she traces on of the scars on her arms. "Was I really gone for that long?" She whispers to herself as she notices Thor glance at her scars. Rhi puts an illusion over them and shamefully looks away. "How long was I out for?"

"Only for a few hours."

Rhi nods. "So, are you here to take me back to Asgard?"

Thor shakes his head. "Odin pardoned you."

Rhi looks at him confused. "Why?"

Thor sighs. "Shortly after you two vanished, Loki came back to the palace and turned himself in. He asked to let you go free in exchange for himself." He pauses for a moment. "He...he said he had enchanted you, took over your mind and that's why you fought against Odin and..." Thor trails off

"He didn't mind control me! I willingly fought against Odin! And I would do it again!"

"I know..."

That's why he didn't come back and stop me...

"Rhiannon?" She looks up to see Tony standing in the doorway.

"Hey Dad." She smiles weakly

He rushes over and wraps her in a hug. "I thought we lost you for a second there, kiddo."

"Nope, still here unfortunately."

Tony pulls away and looks at her with concern. "Thor filled us in on what happened. How are you...really?"

Rhi puts on a fake smile. "I'm fine."

"I know that's a lie."

"What do you want me to say, Dad?" She shrugs. "Loki and I didn't just have a psychic link. Our souls were bound together."

"What!" Tony exclaims in disbelief

"Really?" Thor asks at the same time. Rhi nods. "You said you were soulmates, but I had no idea you meant that you actually bound your souls together."

"It was actually a happy accident." Rhi chuckles "But it doesn't matter, at least not anymore. Now that he's gone, I, well I don't really feel anything anymore, just...numb."

"Rhiannon..." Tony says sternly with concerns

"Don't worry, I'm not going to off myself...I promise." She smiles. "What did I miss while I was gone?" She asks in an attempt to change the subject, but then notices Thor and Tony shift nervously. "What happened?" She says more sternly.

Tony sighs. "Well to make a long story short, Rumlow tried to blow up Steve with a bomb. Wanda tried to stop it, but instead ended up blowing up a building killing most of the people inside. The UN passed the Sokovia accords, legislation designed to control and regulate S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers. That, resulted in Steve's friend Bucky, aka the Winter Solider bombing the UN, killing the King of Wakanada in the process. Plot twist, Bucky was the one who killed my parents, your grandparents."

Rhi gasps. "Wow."

"I know, right? Anyways Bucky was framed for the bombing. It was actually a man named Helmut Zemo who planted the bomb. Turns out, his family died during the battle with Ultron in Sokovia, so he wanted revenge. To tear us apart." Tony chuckles. "It worked though."

"What do you mean?"

"Steve found out where Zemo fled to and wanted to apprehend him. But doing so without the approval of the UN, was in violation of the accords. Fast forward, a fight broke out and now most of the team is in hiding."

Bond of Stone ~ A Loki x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now