#7 How You Sleep (All)

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An: Kinda Short!

Steve Rogers:

Your head on his chest and arms locked around you.

Tony Stark:

When he does come to bed, he is wrapped around you like a vine. His arms laced around your stomach and his head is either in the crook of you neck or on your chest. Usually the latter ;).

Bruce Banner:

He lays on his stomach, you on your back, his arm loosely around you and his hand rests on your hip.


Usually you don't stay in the same room but when you do you lay facing each other and legs are tangled together.

Natasha Romanova:

You guys normally sleep with just your hands touching and tend to stay on your separate sides of the bed.

Peter Parker:

He loves to be the big spoon and hold you close as his fingers are laced upon your stomach. Your back pressed to his front.

Thor Odinson:

Through the night you always end up laying atop of his chest with his arms securely around tour waist.

Loki Laufeyson:

His naturally cool body temperature can be a blessing and a curse. A blessing when it is warmer in the room and he holds you close but a curse when its winter time and you're freezing and curled around him trying to get warm and obviously that doesn't work to well.

Clint Barton:

Your arms are locked around his waist and your head rests on his chest, his arm is around your shoulder.

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