#33 Call Me Thor *requested*

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Authors Note: okay so I needed a title so I decided to call this preference call me thor. You'll see why the title fits. This was requested by Anaynomus.(sorry it wouldn't let me tag you ;-;) It was a really cool idea and i hope this was along the lines of what you wanted!!
Also my requests are still open so comment or pm me :). Oh also please make sure if you comment a request I respond to your comment, because I have a problem viewing them. So if you know you commented a request and I didn't reply I probably didn't see it so just pm it to me! Sorry if its a inconvenience, just wanna make sure I write what you want. I couldnt think of one for bucky, Natasha or Peter sorry! Anyways onward!
Oh one more thing. Its in your pov

Steve Rogers:

Steve was in the shower and I am bored. To curb this feeling I got up from my place on the sofa and trotted into our shared bedroom. I smiled as I saw his captain america suit sitting on the bed. I picked it up and of course put it on. It was huge, since he was taller and had broader shoulders. I smirked as I looked in the mirror as I picked up his shield. "I'm steve rogers and I can make girls ovaries explode just by smiling" I laughed and spoke to myself. "Oh really? I didn't know that. It must be my new power" I froze. Shit. I've been caught. Steve heard what I said. I flushed and turned around to face him. He had a towel around his waist and a smirk was printed clear as day on his face. "So tell me again how I make girls ovaries explode."

Tony Stark:

"Jarvis?" I asked as I waltzed down to Tony's lab. "Yes what can I help you with?" "Where is Mr Stark?" "Mr Stark is out on an errand." I smirked to myself. Perfect. "Jarvis how long will he be gone?" "I am not sure ms (y/n)" I thought for a moment. "Is one of Mr Starks suits available?" "Yes of course. What is your purpose?" "I'd like to try it on" I smiled. "I will have to condone this ms (y/n) you could harm yourself."
"Please Jarvis tony will never know" I pleaded. "Tony will never know what?" Well at least I wasn't caught in the act again.

Bruce Banner:

Bruce was out helping tony so now was my chance. I went over to his lab and grabbed his lab coat and went back to our bedroom. I went to the closet and picked out a white button up shirt and a black tie. Opting to leave on my black jeans I changed into his shirt and tie and slipped the lab coat over my shoulders. I look snazzy if I do say so myself. "I am Doctor Bruce Banner" I smirked into the mirror admiring my appearance. "Well if you're Bruce banner who am I?" Well shit. "Uhmmm Tony Stark?"

Clint Barton:

"Babe I'll be back later" clint said kissing me swiftly. After he walked out the door I realized he forgot his sunglasses. Score! I picked them up off the table and put them on. I only got to wear them for a few moments before he walked back in "babe I forgot my-" he stopped mid sentence seeing what he had forgotten on my face. "Oh so you stole my sunglasses hm?" "Me? No I would never. I was simply acting as if I was you. Whats so wrong about that?" I feigned innocence. "Yeah nice try. Except you'd scratch them." He kissed my cheek and took his sunglasses before he was gone once more.

Thor Odinson:

To say you didn't want to try on Thor's armour would be a lie. So you hid his poptarts. "Lady (y/n)? Have you seen my poptarts?" His voice boomed and I giggled. "No thor I haven't. I think you ate them all." "Well then I must retrieve more! I shall return!" And he left in his Midgardian clothes. Nows my chance. I found his armour and his cape and smiled to myself as I struggled to put it on. Once I got it on I ran into the living room shouting "I AM THOR THE GOD OF THUNDER BUHAHA"
"Lady (y/n) what in Odin's name are you doing?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to see thor laughing at me and I started laughing as well. A blush coating my cheeks, probably as red as his cape.

Loki Laufeyson:

"You mewling quim" you had Loki's helmet on and you tried to repeat his words. Not knowing he was watching you from the bedroom door trying to contain his laughter. "My queen what are you doing?" He asked and I flushed. "Uhm nothing." I mumbled and he smiled. "You look adorable but leave the insults to me okay?" I nodded "okay."

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