#44 Babysitting (Steve, Tony, Bruce)

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Authors Note: i got to watch my baby cousin while i was camping (im currently on my way home) thats where i got my inspiration from because  i was watching her. Also i got carried away with bruces hope you dont mind. Hes recently become my favorite. (sorry clint )
Steve Rogers:

Your sister had asked you to watch your one year old niece. You said yes because you loved her to death.
Your sister had dropped Sophie off (srry if that's your name you can change her name if you want)  Steve wasn't there as he was at stark tower getting briefed for a new mission. You held sophie on your lap and bounced her up and down on your knee as she giggled and watched mickey mouse. "honey im oh whose this?" Steve asked as he came into the living room. "this is my niece sophie." i replied as he plopped next to me. She was now asleep in my lap. "shes adorable." he mumbled quietly. I nodded. "can you take her for a minute i need to pee." he nodded and i handed her over. She instantly curled into him. I made my way up to the bathroom. Once i finished my business and washed my hands i walked back down to see steve laying on the couch with her on his chest and some cartoon playing. I cooed quietly at the sight. He would be such a good dad.

Tony Stark:

Your 12 year old nephew was coming over today while your sister had a doctors appointment. There was a knock on the door. You got up quickly and smiled once you saw your sister and your nephew. "thanks y/n ill be back in a few hours" your sister said in a rush. "no problem" you and Alex sat on the couch while he put on the walking dead. It was silent for a while until tony came upstairs from his lab. "whose that?" tony asked and you rolled your eyes. "tony this is alex. I told you yesterday he would be here." you sighed. "hey aren't you ironman?" alex asked and tony nodded. "i am. Wanna see the lab" alexs eyes got wide and he nodded before jumping up and following tony downstairs leaving you to get a much deserved nap.

Bruce Banner:

I was sitting on the couch watching (favorite show) when i heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked over and opened it to see my brother. "what are you doing here?" i asked and yawned. "can you watch addison tonight. Please y/n?" addison is my 6 month old niece. "sure (brothers name) " he handed the baby to me and gave me a smile "thanks" "my pleasure" i put addison on my hip and grabbed the diaper bag from him as he made a mad dash to his car.  I sat back down on the couch and sat her on my knee bouncing her slightly. She was giggling and flailing her little hands. I kissed her head briefly. I put in some Disney cartoon for about a half an hour ago. As i am holding her in my hip she starts to get fussy. She must be hungry. I hear someone come up the stairs and realize its bruce. "darling can you do me a fav-whose this?" Bruce asks stopping in his tracks.  "this is my niece addie. Can you hold her for me please while i make her bottle?" his eyes widened and i knew instantly he was thinking about the other guy. "you wont hurt her i promise." i reassured him before he could speak. "okay. Hand her to me." he said with a shaky voice and i knew he was nervous. I handed the fussy addie to bruce and she looked up at him with wide eye before grabbing part of his button up shirt in her hands and chewing on it. He smiled fondly at her and pushed up his glasses with his free hand. I got to work on the bottle "you can go sit on the couch with her ill be in in a minute" i kissed his cheek and he did as told. I finished the bottle and walked back in to bruce trying to keep addie calm. I sat on the couch next to him and held the bottle out towards him. "do you want to feed her?" i could see a trace of a smile present on His face. "uh okay" i handed the bottle to him  and showed him how to hold her so it would be easier to feed her. She happily took the bottle from him. Her big eyes looking up at him from time to time and i smiled at the pair. "you would be such a good dad bruce." his eyes flicked from the baby to me.  "you think so?" "i know so."

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