#43 You Find Out You're Pregnant (All except Peter and Natasha)

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Authors Note: 10k reads!!!! I never thought that i would have so many readers ever!! It means so much that you guys enjoy what i write. My requests are open. I need some more prefernece ideas but i will still do personals but please have a plot in mind my writers block is killing me!!! One quick thing my hp preferneces are up as well and i am taking requests for that as well whether it be perference style or personal. I will be updating that later as well so go check that out! Anyways Enjoy~

Steve Rogers:

I held the little white stick in my hand. Postive. Steve and i are having a baby. My excitement rose, we had been trying for a baby for a while. I walked out into the living room and sat with a blanket curled around me and turned on the tv and waited for Steve. I was only waiting for a few minutes before he walked in the door. I rose to my feet "cap i have some good news" i smiled as his eyes met mine. "what is it darling?" i pulled fhe little white stick from behind my back and in gwo strides he was in front of me. Grin growing "youre pregnant?!" i nodded and he pulled me into his arms and spun me around giggling i connected our lips.

Tony Stark:

To say that i was nervous was an understatement. Yes i was happy but i dont kmow how tony will react. I had just gotten my test results from the doctors and im 12 weeks pregnant. I walked into stark towers and down to his lab. I needed to tell him. "tony can i talk to you?" i asked and he turned to look at me wiling the sweat from his brow. "sure baby girl whats up?" i walked over and sat on his stool, taking his hand in mine i placed his hand on my stomach. He was silent for a moment before his eyes got wide. "we are?" he stuttered and i nodded "yes we are having a baby" his smile grew and he bent down so he was level with my stomach boths of his hands now resting there.

Bruce Banner:

You couldnt believe it, how did this happen. Well you know how it happened but you both were so careful. I was standing in the bathroom looking at the little pink plus sign on the white stick. Bruce insisted that i take one because my symptoms fit the pregnancy diagnosis and he wanted to be sure. I took a deep breath and walking into the living are where he was pacing. He ran a hand through his curls before his head snapped over to me. "well?" he asked and in a bound he was in front of me looking at the stick in my hand. What surprised me was the smile that appeared on his face. "im so excited" he mumbled.

Clint Barton:

"y/n? Ready to go?" clint asked knocking on the bathroom door. I quicklh disposed of the postive pregnancy test and walked out. "yeah lets go." i couldnt tell him i was pregant. Not yet atleast

We got home from tonys part a couple hours later not really feelkng the whole getting drunm aspect, me for certian reasons and clint because i practically begged him not to. He was taking a shower and i was on our bed my hand subconsiously on my stomach. "whats this?" clint asked holding the stick in one hand his towel that was around his waist was held with the other. "uh im pregnant?" it came out as more of a question. A smile was plastered on his face. "im going to be a dad?" i nodded and relief flooded my body as he smiled like a little kid on christmas.


"y/n what did the doctor say?" bucky asked as soon as i walked in the front door. I took a deep breath trying to contian my smile "we are expecting" he pulled me into his arms. "this is wonderful news!"

Thor Odinson:

I needed to find thor and tell him the good news. I had just found out that i am expecting. I am nervous to hear his reaction. I was on my way to stark towers. Once i got there i walked in and saw thor and steve talking to each other in the living area. "thor could i speak to you for a moment?" i asked and he nodded "sure lady y/n" "i am with child" he was silent for a moment. "congrats y/n" steve said politely and i smiled "thank you steve" before i could blink thor had picked me up in a bear hug and spun me around. "this is wonderful news. Iam going to be a father" he boomed with a large smile upon his face.

Loki Laufeyson:

"loki can we have a word?" i asked pulling him from his book. "of course my queen what is it?" i felt my breath hitch as he set the book down. " so i went to the doctors yesterday and i have some news" his eyes widened. "my queen are you dying?" he asked eyeing my nervous and tense body. I chuckled "goodness no. I am with child loki and it is yours." his look went from worries to almost an angry look. "how did this happen?? We were so careful!!" he shouted. I winced "loki why are you angry, did you not want a child?" his face softened "my queen i am scared to be a father." his confession shocked me. "my king you shall be a great father i have faith in you" i smiled and rested my hand on his cheek. "i love you both" he smiled "i love you too"


I felt a quick brush of air. Pietro is home. Good i have some news to share. "yo speedster i have to share something with you" Wanda made me take a pregnancy test because i havent felt good the past couple of days. "what is it?" he asked in his thick sloviakian accent. "im pregnant" he had a small smirk on his face but he was speechless. "what you didnt see that coming?" i smirked.

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