#46 Daddy Avengers (Part One)

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Authors note: Okay so I am having some difficulties with wattpad sorry ! :( my requests are still closed. I have a couple still left to do which I am working on so those will be up asap thank you guys for being so patient with me I appreciate it! Also over 29k !!! I never even dreamed that I would have so many people reading my story that's insane!!! I love you guys so much and I know I'm very bad at replying to comments but I try my best and I apologize for being so awkward when I do reply and even my silent readers I love you guys too. Thank you all for supporting and reading my story I can't thank you enough. Also if you read my an on baby names I changed my mind about adding just one so yeah. If anyone wants me to check out their stories comment and let me know id love to read them! ( maybe i already do (; ) Clint's is super long sorry I got carried away!! but anyways: Enjoy~

Steve Rogers:

" Madison please you need to eat" Steve sighed as the 4 year old looked at her plate and shook her head "no daddy don't wanna" she pouted and I giggled at my husbands face. "Madison you're making daddy upset. Just take three more bites and you can be done." I tried to persuade her and she shook her head once more. "Maddie if you don't eat I won't take you for ice cream when I go with uncle bucky" Steve tried once more and she gasped at him and began to eat her mac and cheese. I looked over at him and shook my head. The last thing that child needs is sugar.

Tony Stark:

"Tony can you watch Evan so I can go to the store?" I yelled down to my husband as our two year old son squirmed in my hands. I heard him walking up the steps and sighed thankfully he was going to take a break. "Sure y/n. Come here buddy" tony said as he reached out to take him from my arms. "No." Evan pouted and clung to my shoulder. It was obvious that he was a mommy's boy, not that I minded though, he like his father though, are a handful to take anywhere. "Evan mommy will be back in a little bit." I sighed and he pouted some more. I handed him to tony "come on buddy" tony said and evan shook his head. "Sorry bud. Ill be home soon and I'll have a surprise for you" i smiled and his eyes widened "supwise?" He asked with excitement and i nodded "yes buddy" i gave tony a look that said 'take him to the living room before he cries' and he nodded. "Love you" tony mouthed and I smiled "love you too" I mouthed back over my shoulder as I closed the front door.

Bruce Banner:

"I wanna see daddy" Caitlyn, our 5 year old daughter complained picking at her food with her fork. Bruce had been spending a lot of time in the lab with tony for some reason I didn't catch. "Okay well how bout after lunch we go see him?" I offered and she nodded excited. "Yes!" She squealed and I laughed. We finished lunch surprisingly fast and I did the dishes while she put on her shoes. "Mommy I'm ready!" She called as I finished tying my shoes. I drove to stark towers (mostly because I refused to live there due to Tony's annoying ass.) We got there and she followed close behind me as I went down to the lab where they worked. "Jarvis will you open the door please" i asked in the nicest voice i could. "Sure Mrs banner." The AI replied and i opened the glass door. Tony noticed us and waved and Bruce was hunched over so he didnt see us. Caitlyn skipped over to where bruce was and pulled on his pant leg. He looked down and smiled. "Hey sweetheart what are you doing here?" He asked picking her up. "I missed you daddy! You haven't been home in dayssssssss!!" She complained and dragged out the word. He frowned "I'm sorry. How about tonight I come home and we watch finding nemo?" She nodded happily and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Clint Barton:

"Lucas, Taylor come you're going to be late!!" Clint shouted up to the 6 year old twins. It was their first day of school and I think he was more nervous then they are. "Coming daddy!" Taylor says as they come bounding down the steps. Clint sweeps up Taylor and she giggles and grabs his shoulders. "Let's go." I said motioning them to the front door. Once we got there they both ran off and Clint looked at me "they are getting so grown up" I said as I watched them wave goodbye. "They are." He retorted as we got back in the car. We were only home for about an hour before the phone rang. "I'll get it." Clint said jumping up. I sighed and decided to take a nap.

Clint's pov~

"Okay. I will. Thanks for calling." I hung up the phone and got the car keys. Apparently Taylor is sick. "Y/n I'll be back" I heard no response as I walked out the front door. I drove back to the school and walked inside to the front office. "Uhm I'm here to pick up Taylor Barton. The nurse I think called me." I said awkwardly. And the secretary smiled and typed something in her computer. "And who are you?" She asked eyeing me up and down. "Uhm I'm Clint Barton. Her father." She gave me some name tag thing and pointed me in the direction of the nurses office. I walked in and there sat taylor with a trash can in front of her. "Hey darlin' what's the matter" I asked kneeling infront of her. "My tummy hurts daddy." She said sadly. "Did you throw up?" I asked and pressed the back of my hand to her head as she nodded. "Mr Barton?" The old lady looked at me and I nodded "yes that's me." I picked taylor up and her head rested on my shoulder. "I hope she feels better" she said as I walked out with taylor in my arms. "Why didn't you tell me you didn't feel good this morning?" I asked and she shrugged "I felt fine this morning." Once we got home I made her change into pjs and made her a cup of water and she sat on the couch. "Want to watch tangled?" I asked and she nodded with a sleepy smile on her face. She laid down and put her head in my lap and I played with her hair as she sang along to then opening credits.

Y/ns pov~

I walked down from my nap and yawned quietly. I cooed softly as I saw clint and taylor asleep on the couch. He's such a good dad.

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