#28 PDA (All)

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Steve Rogers:

Being the gentleman he is, he keeps PDA to a minimum, but that doesn't stop him from wrapping an arm around your shoulder and giving you a kiss on the cheek.

Tony Stark:

Of course tony loves PDA, he's tony stark for Christ's sake. Would you expect anything else?

Clint Barton:

Since you're not to fond of PDA he tones it down a bit for you, but expect a grip on your hand or waist and a few kisses to the lips ;)


You guys don't show much PDA, except for maybe a kiss on the cheek.

Peter Parker:

You guys aren't shy, just more or less too awkward for major displays of affection. So its kept to an arm slung around your waist.

Thor Odinson:

He keeps a sly arm around you at all times.

Loki Laufeyson:

He isn't one for PDA , or even touching in general. You have to practically beg him to just hold hands with you but that usually leads to a kiss on the temple, if you're lucky.


He wraps his right arm around your shoulder and your head rests on his shoulder.

Bruce Banner:

You guys are both shy for PDA but every once in a while tony will point out your intertwined hands..

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