#37 They Catch You Cuss (All except peter)

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Requested by kate_425 (sorry it wouldn't let me tag you! ;-;) I hope this is along the lines of what you wanted!

Steve Rogers:

"Shit!" You swore as you forgot your sunglasses at the house. You and steve were at the park and you had grabbed everything except your sunglasses. "Language!" Steve scolded and you stuck your tounge out at him.

Tony Stark:

You were running late, tony had asked you to accompany him to some formal event and your shift had ran over and you locked your keys in your car. So here you our knocking on his door hoping he wasn't mad. "For fucks sake" you said as he was taking so damn long. "Geeze I didn't know you could swear like a sailor!" Shif he heard me. "Shitt" you swore once more and tony laughed. "Cmon we will only be 10 minutes late" he chuckled and out his arm around you.

Bruce Banner:

You hardly ever swear only when you hurt yourself or forget something, or anything to that variation. Today you had slipped on the kitchen floor. "Aw fuck me" you mumbled as you sat up and held your head. "Maybe later babe you look hurt." Bruce said trying to contain his laughter as he got you an ice pack and helped you up.

Clint Barton:

You were at work when you got a call from tony saying clint was hurt. Saying you'd be there shortly you told you boss what was going on and she gladly let you leave. Sighing you drove to stark towers. Walking in you found bruce who showed you to where clint was sitting getting his ankle tapped up "what the hell did you do this time you dipshit!" You teased but were worried as a girlfriend should be. "I tripped-" before he could finish steve popped up "(y/n) language!!" He scolded and you laughed and retaliated "oh bite me"


"Nice blinker jackass!" You groaned annoyed. "Nice uses you the word jackass babe" natasha said kissing you cheek as your turned into the parking lot.

Thor Odinson:

You and thor were watching a scary movie and to say you weren't pleased was an understatement. "What the holy hell was that?" You asked as the black shape flew across the screen. Thor laughed and held you closer.

Loki Laufeyson:

"What the fuck is wrong with you loki!" You seethed he had tried to do something bad, what it was you didnt even remember because of how mad you were. "(Y/n) did you just swear?" He chuckled and you flushed "maybe" the anger no longer coursing through you. "That was pretty hot the way you were mad but let's not make the swearing a habit yeah?" He asked pulling you into a hug. "Okay loki"


"Shitting dick nipples" (an: if you get that reference I love you so much(:) you muttered to yourself, you woke up late and were now late for work. "Excuse me?" Bucky groaned next to you, looks like you woke him up. "shitting dick nipples" you repeated for him and he laughed "what does that even mean?" You shrugged "means I'm late for work" you patted his leg as he rolled over and you got up to start your day.


"Oh shit." You swore as you fumbled with your keys, you were trying to find the right one but were making a fool out of yourself instead. "Here let me help you with that" pietro said taking the keys from your hands and easily found the right one. "Thanks" you mumbled sheepishly.

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