Steve x Reader

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Authors note: okay so I was at my friends the other day which is why I didn't update any of my stories. I got this idea because we watched really stupid horror movies which were more funny (In my opinion and my friends) then scary. The movies I mention were just some of the ones we watched. Anyways enjoy~


"Steve pleaseeee" I begged and he sighed. "Why is it even called human centipede. What kind of weird things happened while I was asleep?" He asked and I giggled. "Lots of weird things happened cap. Now sit. " I spoke and he obliged and sat on the couch. I sat next to him and hit play. "When did this come out?" He asked curiously as he watched the German doctor talk about his plan. "2009." I recoiled and hid my face in his side as the doctor put the needle in the guys arm.

-after the movie-

"Y/n!!! That was horrific!!! Why did you make me watch that!!" He had his hands over his eyes and I was laughing really hard at his reaction.
"Steve literally everyone has seen or at least heard of human centipede." I retorted and he shook his head. "Why??" I laughed once more. "I have one more for you to watch " his eyes widened. "Oh dear god. Its not like this one is it?" I shook my head "no its not I promise." I smirked and he obliged. I clicked play before he could see the title. "Whats this one called y/n?" He asked watching me skeptically. "Teeth." He looked confused "why is it called teeth?" "You'll see."

-after the movie-

I was laughing like a maniac at Steve's horrified expression. "Why would you-oh my god. You're never allowed to pick the movie ever again." I felt kinda bad for Steve only because his innocent eyes probably didn't need to witness that. "Okay you pick the movie. I need more popcorn." I kissed his cheek and got up and went into the kitchen. When I came back Steve was sitting with a smile on his face and a movie paused. I set the bowl on the coffee table. "What did you pick?" I asked plopping next to him. His arm made its way around my shoulder and I leaned so I could rest my head on his chest. "You'll see." He smirked. Oh god. Payback.

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