#22 What You Wear Of Theirs (All Except Bucky)

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Thor Odinson:

His cape

Bruce Banner:

His sweaters

Natasha Romanova:

You guys basically share clothing.

Clint Barton:

His sunglasses; much to his disapproval.

Steve Rogers:

You steal his shirts claiming they're more comfy to sleep in.

Peter Parker:

His sweatpants.

Loki Laufeyson:

His helmet

Tony Stark:

His band shirts, especially Metallica.

Authors Note:

1.35k that's inanse! I'm so happy, no ecstatic that people like my writing! Its crazy! Starting this book i had no idea it was going to get this popular this fast! Its nuts! Sorry for the slow updates, i jusy finished my finals and got a bunch of AP homework to do over the summer but i promise to fit updates in as often as possible. On another note; How would you all feel if i added Pietro? (Quicksliver) im curious to know. I wouldnt be adding Wanda (Scarlett Witch) because thay would be too crazy and i would forget one. But let me know if you want Pietro!

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